True Story: Laws are not perfect but the vast majority of them - TopicsExpress


True Story: Laws are not perfect but the vast majority of them exist for good reason, with that being said. I was downtown walking around and needed to go into the bank, so I walk in behind me another African American male walks in and I admit he was not given the warm greeting I was given, the bank officer asked him to remove his hat he goes in a rage yelling and we all can assume how bad it went from there, he ended up on the ground guns drawn and in cuffs. Me being the curios person I am I go up to the arresting officers identify myself and tell them I want to see what caused his reaction and I asked him, what made him think his aggression would help his cause he said he saw how I was handled and then he saw how they looked at him and I stepped back gave him a once over and his shoes were untied, extra baggy pants and dingy shirt, a do rag and a baseball cap sitting rather low on his eyes. I inquired about what he do for a living he said he is a student at HCC then I said why did you not just comply with the officer at first he said because they did not ask the old lady who was there to remove her hat, I explained to him that her hat was not covering her eyes and the visual aid at the door specifically says if they cant see your face they wont serve you, I then say to him life is crazy at times but we need to do better as a people not sabotaging ourself, people are going to think what they think about you until you show them differently and I shared something my dad always told me, people treat you how you look and not saying you are a bad guy but you look suspect and not complying and yelling was the exact response they expected from you. So I left him with this they are only going to charge you with a minimal crime disturbing the peace, so take this time in jail to think about what you want to be and it dont matter if you dont own a suit, in whatever you wear you can pull your pants up and look half decent. I took his number and vowed when he get out to give him some things I have in my closet to give him a start, its a reality of life some people are handless but they look suspect and aggressive so they are treated that way. I hate to see people play right into the stereotype perceived about them.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 00:32:59 +0000

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