True Story: One year ago in December 2013. I had 5k in bills - TopicsExpress


True Story: One year ago in December 2013. I had 5k in bills sitting on my kitchen table that I could not pay. I had less than $500 cash to my name. I also had less than $1,000 per month coming in. What do I do? I sold my furniture, tools and every single thing that I could exchange for cash. I looked out into the driveway at my PRIZE Ford F-150 King Ranch 4x4. Yes I sold that too. I paid off the bills on my table which included catching up my daughter’s college tuition. She was going to be kicked out of school if I hadn’t done so. I now had about 11k to my name and only 1k coming in. I purchased time and would run out of money again in 100 days or less if I did not go to WORK! I conserved everything. I ate less food. Did not turn on the heat or a light bulb if it did not need to. I rented a vehicle once every 2 weeks for only 1 day. I ran my errands and purchased my supplies. At the check out line I said a prayer and thanked God that I was able to purchase something to eat. I say a prayer EVERY TIME I make a purchase to this day. I am thankful for any blessing no matter how trivial. I was finally taught humility, something God has been trying to teach me for many years. I had no vehicle to drive for the next 7 months. I lived in an empty house with a bed, desk and a kitchen table. My Plan: I KNEW exactly what I had to do. I cracked the code on duplicating myself and had that about 85% figured out. I also new how to generate leads and had that about 85% figured out. I knew how to build custom websites & marketing funnels. I had this idea in my head about a training website that I would build and tie it all together. That website became GoogleMillionaire I worked 18-36 hours shifts 7 days per week. I would not allow myself to sleep more than 4 hours at a time no matter how long I was awake. I knew I needed to connect a marketing platform that I was using called Power Lead System to a great offer. I could build two paychecks at the same time if I could find the perfect offer. After a few failed attempts I discovered My Advertising Pays. At first I thought this was the wrong offer but after 3 weeks of due diligence I discovered that this was the exact match that I was searching for! The next part of my plan was to connect a 3rd revenue stream that I was going to use as a primary offer. So far I had a traffic source (Maps) and an affiliate offer (PLS). I needed some NOW money, and this was the tricky part. I tested some offers and made 10’s of thousands of LIFE CHANGING dollars but after a few failed attempts something presented itself … 4 Corners Alliance Group. My vision was now complete. I had the perfect business in a box model and everything fit together perfectly! Fast Forward … In July 2014 I purchased a brand new truck. It is not the vehicle I wanted but it is the vehicle that I could afford and I am very GRATEFUL for it. Fall 2014 I became the #5 producer in the world in My Advertising Pays. I became the #2 producer in the world in 4 Corner Alliance Group. I personally sponsored over 1,700 people in 2014. I am debt free & cash rich I make more in a week than most make in 3 months My story is a true rags to riches journey! I was broke physically but not mentally. I had faith in myself and in my Heavenly Father. That was the key element. I never ask God to give me anything other than guidance and direction. My time here on earth is limited and I want serve and give not take and receive. I now know my strengths and focus on sharing what I am good at. Every one of us is good at something. We all have a gift. Find that gift and then give it to the world. For me there is no middle ground. I was going to reach success or live in a cardboard box. If I had not broken though my plan was to call Goodwill and have the truck sent to my house. I would have donated everything I had left. I would next pack a bag to live on the street as a homeless person. I am not kidding! I would have gladly accepted this fate if this is what God wanted for me. Every time I get into a jam in life I always ask myself the same question: What is God trying to teach me? My purpose and my vision are now clear. I have never reached such a level of clarity, self awareness and focused energy as I have right now. I made a deal with my Creator. I will solve the little problems in the world and he will do the BIG stuff. I still have much to do and much to give. This is only the beginning … Frank Calabro Jr
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 15:47:12 +0000

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