True Story: She woke up as a nurse was fiddling with a tube in - TopicsExpress


True Story: She woke up as a nurse was fiddling with a tube in her arm. Where on Earth am I ? she whispered, then added, Isnt that what they say in the movies? The nurse looked down and chuckled, Well its nice to see you still have your sense of humor.Youre at St. Marys. Noticing she was bandaged from nearly head to foot, she dared not move. She looked around to see where she was. Hospital in a two bed room.The other bed was empty,neatly made as if the other patient had gone home or died.You were in pretty bad shape when they brought you in. Everything was cloudy. When? Yesterday late afternoon I guess.I wasnt here. Im off on Mondays. Her whole body ached and throbbed and about all she could do was wiggle her toes.Thank God for that. Was I in an accident? Moving to the foot of the bed,the nurse thumbed through some papers hanging there. Her face turned somber, almost stern. Apparently, she answered, according to your chart ,that was no accident. She was stunned. You got banged up pretty bad. Itll take a while but youll be all right. You had a pretty close call. Confused now and frightened,she was still curious. How did she get here? Who brought her in? She barely got the words out What happened to me? The nurse came around and patted her hand kindly. Her soft oval face now seemed angelic. Dont you remember? You fell in love.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:10:17 +0000

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