True Story.... Took the wife and daughter to see Hunger Games - TopicsExpress


True Story.... Took the wife and daughter to see Hunger Games tonight. Good Movie. Left the movie theater and started heading home. Got two miles away from the theater and the Misses perks up and cant find her iPhone. Quickly thinking I pull over and ask her to go thru her stuff and make sure she didnt just misplace it. Nope, no got. Shit, Now I have to get her a new phone. Wait a minute. I have Find My Phone active on that dam thing and hand my phone to the kid while I am driving and ask Mariah to check and see if it is in the car. Nope, not registering in the car. Not registering at the Theater either. Mariah mentions it is on the move. Hmmm, turns out the phone is showing at the bank ATM about 1/4 mile behind me. I ask Are you sure?? Yes at BOA on Joyce Street. I swing the truck around that rapidly head over to the ATM. Find two cars there in the ATM. Swing the truck around at the exit so no one can get out of the ATM line. Roll down the window and yell out Hey someone has my phone from the theater and I would like it back.... Couple in the first car start speaking out loud about not being from here, not being at the the movie place and have no idea of any phone. Something doesnt seem right, I watch Cops on TV and have heard that sort of speak before..... So I make a note of the license plate and move the truck around to the second car in line - Signal to roll down the window and ask the couple in the second car if they found a phone in the theater by chance. They didnt understand english and just say No so I say thank you and pull aside. First care leaves and sit there for a bit. Ask Mariah to send a message to the phone We have your plate number and have called the cops, please drop the phone somewhere and we will get it. Have her refresh the view of the phone once again - It is now headed back to the Olive Garden Restaurant and I quickly head over there. The phone is Stationary for a bit on the display making it look like the phone was thrown from the vehicle I swing around to the parking lot, send the girls out on foot to search the side of the road while I circle the parking lot. Mariah rechecks the location. Found it back on the move. Right back to the Theater We originally left. Get the girls back in the truck and haul ass over to the theater. Once there, I drop Kim at the office and begin to circle the parking lot and searching for the Car we found at the Bank. One loop and there is Kim standing waiting for us. Phone in hand. As soon as she walked in there was security guy there with her phone in hand...... Got to love technology. Someone had second thoughts about keeping it and between the bank and Olive garden, and decided to get these crazy people off of them. Dont screw with my stuff! By the way, I still have that plate number!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:47:18 +0000

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