True democracy in a nut shell- True democracy simply means, that - TopicsExpress


True democracy in a nut shell- True democracy simply means, that the laws of the land are directly voted on by the people themselves and not by an elected representative. This then gives a true representation and indication of what the people want and allows the society to evolve and grow naturally, better reflecting the aspirations of the people themselves. Not just that of the ruling elite. What is True Democracy? - It is all about taking back our natural right of self-determination. True democracy is all about giving equal representation to every person in our society. This can only be achieved by a system that has all its laws voted for directly by the people themselves. Corruption will always be an option when we elect a politician to represent and carry out the voting of laws for us. Politicians will always think of themselves and their benefactors first and not necessarily of us, the people. People in traditional democratic systems needed to have representatives, primarily because of the distance that people had to travel. It was simply not practical for everyone to travel and vote on every issue that arose. This representative system would have been necessary in a bygone era when the Internet and other modern communication didn’t exist. But in this day and age there is no reason why we should not use technology and increase the level of democracy in our society to its full potential. In reality voting could be done online via the Internet and doesn’t have to involve a laborious journey to a polling both.This system can be easy, quick to use and accessible to all, as most people have computers and the Internet. For those of us that don’t have the skills or means to do this, local facilities could easily be arranged. How a True Democracy voting system works- Please keep in mind that the length of time for voting, the number of topics that are voted on and other numerical values mentioned below are simply given as an example. These numerical values could also be voted on at a later stage so they better represent the needs of the people. The People- In a True Democracy system, all the people of that system have equal rights and no one person or group can rule above the people. It’s all about maximising democracy. Lodging of ideas and issues- If a person within society has an issue about something or an idea that they think would benefit society, they will be able to lodge these ideas/ issues online on the government website for all to see. There could be a 2-month lodging period. Within this 2-month period, each person will be allocated 5 numbers 1 to 5. Within this period each person will assign their 5 numbers to the 5 ideas that are most important to them. A 5 would be given to the most important all the way through to 1 for the least important out of the five. Points tally-At the end of the 2-month lodging period, each of the ideas will have their points tallied up. The 5 ideas with the most points will then be bumped up to the next level of voting. Information period- Once the five voting topics have been established, a 1-month period could be allocated for the purpose of informing the voting public about what they will be voting on. A public television station could be created, solely for the purpose of informing the public on all things relating to the upcoming vote. People with Expertise on the voting topics, could be invited to talk and debate all aspects of the topics. More time could be allocated, if the topics are too complex to be discussed in just one month. Final vote- At the end of the 1-month information period, a day would be allocated for final voting, with voting carried out online. A personal ID number and password would give you access to your own secured area (just like internet banking). All voting topics would be in a yes/ no format. For example- “Should we go to war in Iraq?” Yes or no. To ensure voter privacy, a computerised ballot paper, no different than a normal ballot paper, would be filled out. This paper would show no sign of who filled it out and when ready, be placed into the electronic ballot box, ready for counting. Just the same way traditional secret ballot systems work, only online. Voting would be done for 1 day only with a cut off period of 12 pm for instance. Vote counting- Votes could be counted automatically and the final decisions made after the cut off time. By counting votes automatically it is possible to see how a particular vote is rating in real time while the voting is still happening. Law making- If the majority of people voted yes on a topic then that topic will automatically become law. If the majority vote no then it does not. Implementing law- Once the law is finalised, the people and all government departments would be bound by it. Just as it is currently when laws are passed. It would then be up to the individual departments to implement the new law in their policies. As you can see, not very much has to change in relation to the government. It is only the very top political structure that would be removed and replaced with something that is more representative of society. All the basic practical aspects of government, like departments and institutions would stay the same, functioning as usual and allowing for a stable transition to this new system. Should voting be compulsory? - Whether or not voting should be compulsory would have to be decided upon by the people, just like everything else. However for the sake of debate, I will put forward some reasons why I think voting shouldn’t be compulsory. I believe the best system If the True democracy system included in By making voting non compulsory you will make it easier for all the people who don’t wont to vote and be part of automatically eliminate the vote of people who don’t care about disision making, who Laws, why do we have them? - Laws are very simply rules and policies that reflect the ideals and needs of all the people involved. They give structure to society, and with appropriate enforcement bring about the will of the majority of people. Security for online voting- There would of course have to be stringent security measures and full transparency of the website workings to the public at all times. This would include full access to computer systems by independent scrutinizing groups. Each person would be allocated a number much the same way we have drivers licence numbers. This number would then be used along with a PIN number to access your secured area where voting can take place in privacy (just like Internet banking with the same security guaranties). Transparency- Because a ‘True Democracy’ system is governed by all the people, it is there fore essential that everyone knows everything that is going on within the system. Each department would be bound by law to make public every detail and transaction that takes place. This information could be easily accessed on a government web site for all to see. The monetary accounts of all the departments and every other level of government should also be available for everyone to see. This information could be accessed in real time via the government web site. Having such access to this information will make it harder for government corruption to take place and will allow people to make better decisions when voting. With an open and transparent accounting system the average person will always know where their country is financially, how much debt is being taken on and how much we are able to spend. The days of corrupt governments racking up massive debt will be finally over. Department and government spokespeople- Departments would require a CEO/ Head of Department who would essentially be hired by the people on their individual merits/experience to fulfil the role as overseer and public liaison to the department. Their role would be to make sure that the people’s law is reflected in the department policies and actions. A presidential, diplomat-like figure would also be necessary for the purpose of international relations and to speak on behalf of the country at an international level. Just like a head of department, this person is an employee of the people and can be hired and fired based upon performance. Simplicity and deliberate complexity- It is important to understand that this information has been written in a simple way, for the purpose of making it accessible to as many people as possible. What is presented above is the basic structure of what True Democracy might look like and how it would work. It is also important to keep in mind, that what we are talking about here is not actually very complicated and doesn’t need to be pomped up in a way that makes it sound more than what it actually is. For eons governments have used deliberately confusing and over technical language as well as obscure and pompous ceremony to make government seem more complex then it is and therefore out of the reach to the average citizen. Freedom and self-determination are very simple and natural human rights which should never be made deliberately complex and out of reach. With your help, we can change this corrupt and deliberately over complex system so that everyone can benefit. True democracy in a nut shell- True democracy simply means, that the laws of the land are directly voted on by the people themselves and not by an elected representative. This then gives a true representation and indication of what the people want and allows the society to evolve and grow naturally, better reflecting the aspirations of the people themselves. Not just that of the ruling elite.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:34:00 +0000

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