True or false? Charlie is not Charlie. by Mark Lipman I do - TopicsExpress


True or false? Charlie is not Charlie. by Mark Lipman I do not believe in coincidences. Whenever I see some kind of extremist attack, as what just took place in Paris, where the perpetrators – after pulling off a flawless military operation, just happen to leave an I.D. behind and are neatly killed the very next day; when the local authority in charge of the investigation mysteriously and conveniently commits suicide before completing his report; when a story is so ready and prepackaged, my logic screams False Flag. When I see Benjamin Netanyahu marching locked arm, with all the European leaders in a parade against terrorism, when just days before he was the one they were all pointing their fingers at, my common sense tells me something is wrong. Forget the hypocrisy of all these governments, of the violence they commit which never gets reported and how they protect freedom of speech for only one point of view. Let’s set that aside for the moment and examine this particular case, for the facts and the timeline simply do not add up. The shooting at Charlie Hebdo begs to question, who benefits from this atrocity? Just the day before, Israel was screaming furious at France’s imminent recognition of the Palestinian State (which today seems once again tabled indefinitely). Israeli threats of retaliation were being launched across the internet. Massive protests in support of Muslim communities were springing up all over Europe and it was apparent at the United Nations that the tide was finally turning. So why in the world would some group calling themselves Al-Qaeda pick this very moment to launch an attack? It makes no sense. At this very point in time, with world opinion leaning in the favor of Palestine; with masses of people marching in the streets supporting Muslims; to take an action like this is simply stupid. Regardless of what anyone thinks about the people who carried out this attack, they are not stupid. They must have known the backlash this would cause. So the question lingers, “Why now?” This is not the first time we have seen something like this. Think back a mere six months ago, when Israel was murdering scores of Palestinians – women and children – every single day. The whole world was exploding with outrage over these blatant acts of genocide and then, out of nowhere, ISIS, a group which ironically carries the same moniker as the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, beheads – a journalist – and the next thing we know, everyone’s attention (at the literal direction of Benjamin Netanyahu) is deflected to Syria and all of a sudden American sabers are rattling and everyone forgets what just happened yesterday. If you notice, they always go after journalists, because they can always count on other journalists to swarm to the story of their fallen comrades and the next thing you know, the chosen narrative is the only thing in the news. All of a sudden, in perfect synchronicity, we see Benjamin Netanyahu, Christine Legarde (CEO of the International Monetary Fund) and Anonymous all holding signs claiming to be Charlie. Really? Israel, the IMF and Anonymous – holding hands kumbaya – sorry, but I’ve got to call bullshit here. Logic demands that there is zero possibility that anyone genuinely connected to Anonymous would be working in line, lock step, with the IMF – that just doesn’t happen. So another question presses at the back of my mind, “Since anyone can put on a Guy Fawkes mask and claim to be Anonymous, who else would have the skills to pull off a major hacking operation?” When I think of secretive computer hacks, my mind immediately say NSA, CIA … any number of government agencies have the ability at any moment to imitate anyone they want, so if we’re talking about false flags, why would they not be waving multiple flags at the same time? It only makes sense. Conspiracy theory? Well, here’s another twist … Francois Hollande, the President of France, in a televised address on January 9th, blamed the terrorist attack on the “Illuminati” – the shadow government. Now, if I said I thought the Illuminati did this (or even existed) there would be no end to the detractors calling me crazy, however, if the question were, “Do you think there are some very rich, very powerful people working behind the scenes of government to get what they want, with the capacity and physical resources to pull off this, or any number of secret plots, if they wanted?” Well, I believe that is common knowledge and something we all know to be true. So, could a secret group within the government be able to pull something like this off. Of course they could – that is the very reason why the CIA exists in the first place. Could they also control the story, plant fake evidence, eliminate any loose ends or witnesses in the immediate aftermath, while everyone is still in shock from the initial attack … all of which has happened this week in France? Of course they can … it’s standard procedure. Too many unanswered questions, too many coincidences and a complete U-turn in public opinion decry this latest attack as nothing more than another in a long line of covert operations to help prop up a crumpling system that is crushing us all. Now, just because Israel is the big winner from this latest terrorist attack is not proof that the Mossad (and/or their partners in the CIA) was behind these murders, however as journalists seeking the truth, it is our duty to our colleagues who have died to ensure that the right questions are asked, so that we are not merely complicit puppets in exchanging their memories for lies. The truth is out there, I challenge you to find it.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:45:42 +0000

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