True story... I am really good at math and specifically - TopicsExpress


True story... I am really good at math and specifically statistics. Once upon a time I became totally obsessed with greyhound racing. To make the story short I lost my fair share of money but eventually developed a winning system. Its not a huge deal, the system makes about 20% return on investment over time. Its not like I can pick 90% winners or anything, but unlike the systems that promise such things...this is real. The problem? I dont really care about making money at the track, my obsession was in cracking the code. It is a lonely, greasy, slime-ball existence to be a gambler. At least it is for me. To each his own. I tried being a professional gambler for awhile and hated it. And I cant sell the system because it would destroy track odds and become non-profitable if I did. Why? Because its a trifecta system. Just one or two extra winners can cut a $1500 payout down to $500 in a hurry, because there are so few winners to begin with. So I will carry this profitable little secret with me to my grave and likely never use it. Whats the point? The point is this... I am a blogger but also a student of the machine that rules us. A heck of a lot of people call me a conspiracy theorist, but if you think I am a conspiracy theorist based on what you have read me write, you have no earthly idea. You have only seen the tip of the iceberg. I also carry other secrets or theories with me and I dont feel I can write about certain things. Why? Because people cant accept most of what I write about now. Getting into the more advanced stuff has to wait awhile. I may end up carrying some of it to my grave as well. People only believe what they are ready to believe. So putting too much out there is simply a waste. Want an example? About 14 months ago our military was in open rebellion on social media because they did not want to fight Assad and thus become the unfortunate allies of Al Qaeda. I think we all understood that at the time. But let the government and media machine throw in a few opportunistic stories of ISIS gone crazy, along with some stories that might have been strategically placed and suddenly no one gives a damn whose side we are on so long as we spill Islamic State blood. What the hell just happened here? People were played once again. Our government and their media lapdogs know how to get us to ask for whatever the hell it is that THEY want us to ask for. Forget that America trained, funded and armed the Islamic State. No one seems to care. All Americans want right now is blood to spill in retaliation for some beheadings, threats and a hell of a lot of what should be otherwise considered propaganda stories. The media has led us to the point of no return. We want blood. Americans cant even stay consistent with a stand they were making 14 months ago. They will believe what they are told IF and ONLY IF they like the story. Im not saying ISIS is not bad. Whether our government created them or not is hardly the entire point. They certainly didnt have to twist any arms to get a bunch of idiotic fundamentalist muslims to radicalize and start chopping off heads and crucifying people. But the average American no longer cares whose side we are on. All they want is the blood of the bad guys, even if they ally themselves with bad guys in order to fight what we consider as worse guys. Obama has admitted at least two times that his intentions are still, always were, to remove Assad. He says that ISIS cant be defeated with Assad remaining in power. How convenient. We have to help our enemy in order to defeat them? All I guess I am saying is that people are gullible and I cant really blame them. The media is relentless. I dont suppose that small bloggers like me make that much difference in the overall picture. But if people cant understand basic concepts, like the fact that our government creates its own enemies and then uses them to whip the American people into a frenzy, then they wont believe the stuff that seems even crazier. Just for the record I am not sitting on information about UFOs or reptilians but what I do know is beyond what most anyone would ever believe. So I sit here and keep trying to cover basics. The secrets I am holding are a lot like those handicapping secrets I learned. They may die with me. A lot of people think or say they are awake, but they really arent. The deeper I dive into this I understand that. I now know things that I would have scoffed at a year ago. And I probably am nowhere close to fully awake yet myself. Open your mind folks. If we (I am including myself) are to ultimately seek truth then we have to burn all preconceptions, be prepared to let go of any misplaced loyalties, and look at things how they truly are -- AND NOT AS HOW WE WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE. Just a little rant. Have a great night my friends.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:26:37 +0000

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