Truly every big thing starts with small and simple dream. This is - TopicsExpress


Truly every big thing starts with small and simple dream. This is how I started in AIM Global. I still remember when I was first invited by my batch mate. I know those times how I’ve ignored and avoided him like a plague as I don’t want to talk with him. Every time there was a call or text from him, I don’t want to answer and read it because I know that he is in NETWORKING and I know what will happen next (I’m a mind reader J)…he is going to invite and recruit me to his NETWORKING business – I was so close minded and negative that times. Then one time while I’m on my way to work, usually I’m just using a stair to go down as my flat is just one floor away. But that time I don’t know why I stood in front of the elevator and when it suddenly opened up, I was surprised to see that the person inside was the one who’s been pestering me so much. I don’t have a choice. So I went inside the elevator. His first greeting was “Hey To, how are you?” “Well, here…on my way to work. How about you?” I replied back. He enthusiastically replied back, “Power na power” (so much power) and he smiled such a brilliant smile. “What happened to this person? He seems out of his mind” that’s what I thought to myself. When we’re out of the elevator and waiting for the shuttle service, it so happened that our bus was late, so I couldn’t avoid talking with him. We’ve talked anything under the sun, then suddenly he asked me “How’s your family?” I told him, “Okay. My mother is in the hospital again.” “Why, what’s her ailment?” he asked. “Heart bro…” Then our service bus arrived. He tapped me on my shoulder and said “Let’s talk again later.” We went our separate way to work. While at my duty, what he said lingered on my mind till I’ve finished my work on that day. When I went home, I received a call from him and asked if I have viands (cause during that time I’m doing part time selling viands to friends and acquaintances). He told me to bring a viand to his flat so we could eat together. After we’ve eaten, he became occupied of drawing something. I just ignored him and roamed my eyes to his flat. Something caught my attention, the small boxes above his drawer and table coz I’ve seen the word “good for the heart.” I’ve asked him about it. Instead of answering, he let me read something about that small box (CHOLEDUZ). When I’ve finished reading it, I told him that as per my sister, the disease of my mother is “atherosclerosis – a serious condition where arteries become clogged up by fatty substance and can lead to heart attack.” That’s the reason why her heart is not functioning properly; shes always out of breathed and easily gets tired. She also got edema and due to this disease, she couldn’t independently perform the basic activities of daily living like changing her own clothes. I’ve been interested as that small box can cure my mother’s disease. So I’ve asked him “where can I buy that product? To you? Why, what’s your profession now?” That’s when he shared to me about what his doing with AIM Global. That time I truly said to myself “LORD THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR, WHAT I NEEDED FOR MY MOTHER (CHOLEDUZ AND C24/7).” GUYS IF YOUR LOVE ONES ARE INVOLVED YOU’RE GOING TO DO ANYTHING; YOU’RE WILLING TO RISK EVERYTHING FOR THEM TO GET BETTER…FOR THEM TO GET OKAY. At first, I just tried the product only for my mother and guys, the product is truly amazing as my mother did get better (Thanks GOD). That’s when I started to be serious with AIM Global. For those of you who are OFW like me - far away from wife/husband/children/family - don’t be contented that your work will be just your source of income. I’m not telling you to do what I’m doing but if you know deep in your heart that with just your salary alone it would take a long, long, long time before you could be with your family and not be separated anymore, why don’t you increase what you’re doing aside from your job to be able to increase your income too. I know perhaps you’re thinking that I’m telling you to join me with what I’m doing. Guys that’s your life…your family…nobody could help you other than YOURSELF. A person can only provide you an inspiration but that is still your LIFE. PRAY FIRST BEFORE YOU ACT – our GOD always gives us a sign. KABAYAN be open minded, don’t say no to opportunity. Whatever decision I made last year was just a result of what I have today. If I didn’t try and take a risk, I don’t have a DTA-TyRockets Team. Every day is a learning process. If you learn, you earn. You don’t need to be smart or know everything just to start, you need to start to be able to be smart and know and learn everything. Knowledge is POWER and IT CAN LIBERATE YOU FROM WHAT YOU ARE NOW. If you are open for an opportunity, you’re coachable and you’re willing to learn – WELCOME to my team.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:03:58 +0000

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