Truth, Religion, War, and Rumors of War Alot of people are - TopicsExpress


Truth, Religion, War, and Rumors of War Alot of people are asking why Obama and why now? To be honest I have been confronting Obama since myspace was around. But I stoped to show my respects to the african american community and their first african american president. But just recently I found out that Obamas mama is Ann Dunham and she is100 percent white. And that is a big deal if your aiming to be the first african american. You are not making history anymore. Your robbing history when you try to avoid your white linage. So the little issue becomes a big issue. Becouse not only are you robbing the african community of today from their true legitimate african american president, you are also robbing Martin Luther King, your robbing Malcom X, robbing all the civil right leaders, Abraham Lincon and all those who died in the civil war when you yourself push aside the african american community. And therefore Obama has to be confronted and not begiven the credit as first african american president. He can be the first mixed president but not the first legitimate african american president. My freind Gaddafi was one of the many who was manipulated by this chump. He greeted him,shook his hand,and accepted his as a son of africa. What does Obama do. 2years later he invades Lybia for oil and interest and has the rebels do his dirty work. Jihad
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 21:32:39 +0000

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