Truth Sets Us Free! “Then Jesus said to those Jews who - TopicsExpress


Truth Sets Us Free! “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ’” –John 8:31-32 In today’s account we find Jesus joining hundreds of thousands of Jews celebrating the Feast of the Tabernacles in Jerusalem. Some who heard Him teach put faith in Him. In this passage, Jesus directed His attention to these believers, revealing a path toward spiritual freedom paved with the power of truth and the ability to strengthen their faith and make it fruitful. Later we will see Jesus define Himself as Truth. Not only are His words full of truth, but His entire being is the essence of truth. Everything about Him is a definition of truth (John 14:6). His truth offers freedom from the lies of Satan that steal, kill, and destroy every good thing God intended for humanity. His message still applies to us today. Once the initial spark of faith in Christ is ignited in us, we must fuel the flame by acting on the truth Christ makes evident. If this doesn’t happen, truth will never develop a lasting form within us. Only those who choose to actually “abide,” and continue in the truth Christ teaches will become “disciples indeed” (8:31). Solid, lasting discipleship is not built simply on an emotional experience or intellectual interest. Truth sets us free when we, in faith, act upon it. Our steps of faith bring freedom from Satan, the world’s most oppressive dictator and god of this age (2 Cor. 4:4). They enable us to press beyond the bondage of deceit that tries to turn God’s truth into a lie and Satan’s lies into truth. Satan tells us that living in harmony with God is oppressive and dull. He tells us that there is truth and lasting freedom in the sin that actually steals, kills, and destroys. Sadly, to a shocking degree, religion has always promoted many of Satan’s most effective lies. The religious rulers of Christ’s day feared losing their grip on the people so much that they attacked the freedom He came to give. To this day many teachers of religion and philosophy continue to suppress God’s truth because they are threatened by Christ and the freedom He offers. Jesus puts things in their proper perspective by contrasting Himself with self-made messiahs. Christ came from God. His words come from God. The work He does comes from God. It is a work that empowers a person to be free from the slavery of sin. This sharply contrasts with the religious leaders who believed having Christ murdered was noble. Men like these feed on Satan’s lies and in so doing imprison themselves and all they influence. Simply put, Jesus declares that if we follow Him we will discover true and lasting freedom. If we follow the lies of Satan we will live in unending bondage. Make your decision. Walking in the truth of Christ brings ever-expanding freedom. Conversely, every lie of Satan you choose to believe tightens the grip of deception’s slavery.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:47:05 +0000

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