Truth! This criminal was clearly NOT a prophet of God; if - TopicsExpress


Truth! This criminal was clearly NOT a prophet of God; if anything he was tool of evil, and the likely hi-jack point where the over thousand verses in the Koran were sorted, rewritten and recodified to about 900, including the Mecca verses and the Medina verses that obscure the pre-Mohammed Koran and erased the legitimate Islam of Ishmael, who was son of Abraham, a messianic Jew who embraced the Ten Commandments along with Levitican eating habits et al. Among those commandments (not suggestions) is thou shalt not kill (meaning commit murder of another human being.) This is their PRIMARY means of communication with the world, as evidenced by the beheading of a second innocent journalist in as many months. Who is THEIR GOD? The imposter obviously, not the one true God, the God of Israel and the Christian. Once upon a time, Ishmael was blessed of God and with Gods promise to Abraham that He will make a great nation of him, did come true at one time. Instead of concern about who would succeed Ishmael, everyone who bought into Mohammed who covered many of his mistakes by going to war (sound familiar to anyone?) the entire rift between sunni and shia came thirteen hundred years ago upon Mohammeds death (poisoned, so murdered probably by a fellow Muslim) all about who is to rightfully succeed Mohammed. This is where the religion of peace became the religion of EVIL and WAR! By saying God tells Muslims that they are okay to kill infidels who wont pay tax or convert, they make God a liar; and I assure you He is NOT! God will not be mocked nor robbed, and anyone who takes away someone elses life outside of self defense or defense of loved ones, innocent ones et al, is robbing GOD of His plan with that person, robbing GOD of the fellowship with that person in this world, and robbing GOD of the opportunity to reach out and show His supernatural love for all of us through that person. ISIS have proven they are murderers and thieves. The god they serve is evil. Not all Muslims are even close to being horrible and they realize the corruption of the Koran and some even the corruption of Mohammed. They also see the beauty of what remains of true Islam and the connection with God through prayer. God bless them all, especially perhaps the lost members of ISIS and other violent extremist groups. There is coming a point soon, where aroused free people who are NOT Muslims and certainly not extremists, will stand and fight, and send these terrorists to meet their maker. Then the pig in the poke 72 virgins will become clear it was all a lie to get them to commit murder and so many other offenses against God and His people (we are all potentially His people and He wants us all, yet gave us all free will.) Hell is reserved for the evil one and his minions, servants and those he has Shanghaied. Fooled or not, giving in to vanity, lust and greed... raping and killing will reap the penalty from God, never His blessing! Wake up true Islam! Wake up the rest of the world! Churchill recognized the corrupted Islam as a cancer upon the world that needs to be excised. While I am normally live and let live kind of person, since they are clearly not live and let live types, they are live and make dead kind they shall reap what they have sown. If they ever visit my house, I hope they know what they risk. They will face serious firepower and someone who will not hesitate. I will send them to meet God, and He will judge them and me.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 17:43:27 +0000

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