Truth be told... American History... A history of violence and - TopicsExpress


Truth be told... American History... A history of violence and repeated vile behavior...... Thats what Ive been saying all along. There are those that are still trying to white wash history with a fake ass distinction. One minute bragging about their European history the Good. My ancestors came here with a nickel in their pockets and a dream. We go back generations. The Bad that was them Europeans I family didnt have nothing to do with enslaving a race of peopl and wiping out erasing a culture. The Ugly... STOLE A WHOLE LAND from indigenous people feom the Nations and Mexican alike. From the Sea to shining Sea. Dont believe me check the maps starting about 1606-07. Labeled peoples who were here first as ungodly as heathens because those same Europeans that they are proud of couldnt understand the culture religion or speak the language. So what you cant trade or buy just steal. Find gold or good land to graze the cattle that was stolen well... you aint got gotta go home(wherever we pushed you to) but you gotta get that hell of the land that we told you was yours in that Treaty we signed but arent going to honor. Dont like it will kill you (men women and children). And its still being practiced today on the lo by the ancestors of some of those same Europeans. ...The lesson... You see this shit is wrong... You know this shit is wrong. Why are you perpetuating this behavior?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 04:41:50 +0000

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