Truth in certainty…Welcome to Sufism President, the present - TopicsExpress


Truth in certainty…Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans. Being a true Sufi, without bias, prejudice, jealousy, racism and without hate for any kind of humans, Sufi’s, say! Please read the following with having clear understandings in the mind, thank you. “Those who follow the Messenger [, Muhammad s.a.w], whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and ‘relieves them of their burden’ and the shackles which were upon them. So they, who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light [, Holy Qur’an], which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful” [Holy Qur’an, 7:157].” Haqq al-yaquin of Sufism Majlisi interprets this to mean in clear, ‘that without any racialism, prejudice, envy, jealousy or any hate against Muhammad [s.a.w]; the scholars must praise Muhammad [s.a.w], who is “highly praised by Allah. It is clear that those who have envy, prejudice, hatred, jealousy & racialism against Muhammad [s.a.w], their ego will not let them accept the praises of Muhammad [s.a.w]. Why? Is it because Muhammad [s.a.w] is the light-Noor? All pious righteous Jewish & Christians & Muslim scholars, who have no bias, no envy, no prejudice, no hatred & no racialism against Muhammad [s.a.w], have said that Muhammad [s.a.w] is the best for the coming generations, because the coming generations can find all proofs from Muhammad [AS], in the Qur’an & in his Sunnah, which cannot be found in has whole in past holy books. Why? Edward William Lane, in 1846, says that the original word, intentionally altered by Jews & by my fellow Christians & David Benjamin, an early 20th-century Christian said that according to him that the Hebrew/Aramaic original words are lost & Hebrew/Aramaic master copy of early holy books have been interpreted & translated into advance thoughts for humanity so the Hebrew word מחמדים (MHMDYM, read as maħǎmaddim) appears only once in the Hebrew Bible, Song of Soloman, 5:16 & when translated into English as desirable or lovely; it in clear clarify that Muhammad[s.a.w] is the desirable one & the lovely one. Some of pious righteous Jews: Christians & Muslim Scholars of today claim that changes were made to the present-day in clear with any envy, prejudice, jealously, hatred & racism against Muhammad [s.a.w]? Albert Hourani, initial interactions between Christian and Muslim peoples were characterized by hostility on the part of the Europeans because they interpreted Muhammad [s.a.w], in a Biblical in a negative thought. God sent the angel Gabriel [AS]* to teach Muhammad [AS]* the exact words that he should repeat to the people. The words are therefore not his own; they did not come from his own thoughts, but were put into his mouth by the angel. These are written down in the Qur’an, word for word exactly as they came from God. “Neither the content of the revelation, nor its form, were of Mohammed’s but were given by the angel, and Mohammed’s task was only to repeat what he heard,” Geoffrey Parrinder. Jesus [AS], the son of Mary [AS], said: O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (Sent) to you, confirming The Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad [,i.e. Muhammad] (Qur’an 61:6). When the Comforter come whom God will send to you from the Lord’s presence, and the spirit of truth which will have gone forth from the Lord’s presence, he (shall bear) witness of me and ye also, because ye have been with me from the beginning & I have spoken unto you about this that ye should not be in doubt. O Romans, I have brought you together for a good purpose. This man [i.e. Muhammad] has written me a letter summoning me to his religion. By God, he is truly the prophet whom we expect and find in our books [Heraclius]. If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father [, Lord God], and he shall give you another Comforter [, Muhammad s.a.w], that he may abide with you forever; (John 14:15-18). He [, Muhammad s.a.w] shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you, (John 14:25-26. I will curse him that curseth thee [, Muhammad s.a.w]: and in thee [, Muhammad s.a.w] shall all families of the earth be blessed, (Genesis 12:1-3). The burden upon Arabia, (Isaiah 21:13-15), in clear the “burden upon Arabia is a clear prophecy about Muhammad [AS].The followers of Muhammad who love, respect and revere the great Messenger of God - Jesus Christ {AS] - without having the Christians to convince them by means of their Biblical dialectics. Do you understand Sufi Sultan Mahmood update conclusion; Sufi’s praise & remember Jesus [AS] in love. We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam), (Quran, Al-Baqarah 2:136). Sufi Muslims glorify Jesus {AS] & Jesus [AS] said;’ He [Muhammad AS] will glorify me, and declare it to you’ (John 16:8-16). As they pass through the valley of Baca, Psalm 84:4. The name Baca in Hebrew means Makkah is Arabic. The King James Version of the Bible mentions the pilgrims passing through the valley of Baca (another name for Makkah) in Psalms 84:4-6. Isaiah 42:1-13 speaks of the beloved of God [, Muhammad s.a.w]. His elect and messenger [, Muhammad s.a.w], who will bring down a law & Habakkuk 3:3 speaks of God (Gods help) coming from Teman (an Oasis North of Madinah according to J. Hastings Dictionary of the Bible), and the holy one coming from Paran. That holy one who was under persecution migrated from Paran (Makkah) to be received enthusiastically in Madinah was none but Prophet Muhammad [AS]. Then, who is he? They wonder about! this man living for God and forsaking wealth and luxury and fasting, avoiding the material attractions of life! a Sufi Sultan Mahmood of present 12.03.2014. Jesus [AS] is honored by Sufi’s of Sufism in this world and Sufi’s bring humans near, nearest to God… Sufi’s speak the truth, that the earliest complete copy of a holy book in texts that existed in the Codex Sinaiticus, from about 350 - but now has various minor copy differences, from various other texts & certain parts of texts have been amended & extended, but Why? Because, Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger [Muhammad s.a.w], who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he hath come unto them, the Jews, with clear proofs, they, the Jews, did not believe in him, nor accepted Jesus as god Messenger & it is same today with some Jews & Christians of present, they don’t accept Muhammad [s.a.w] & nor believe in the last Messenger of God Muhammad [s.a.w]. However, some Jews & some Christians reject the holy Qur’an of God but Why? Is it due to self ignorance, self envy, self prejudice, self jealousy, self racism and self hatred for the prophet of God Muhammad [s.a.w]? Or is it because Muslims believe in Allah and what is revealed to Prophet [s.a.w] (2.136]? Or is due to because of the Arabs? Why Did the Rabbis misplace or misinterpret the verses of Bibles? Why do some Christians of present reprint the Bible in a modern up date language by changing Bibles words to present words, updating words in the Bibles? The name Ahmad and the name Muhammad both comes from the same root hamad, which is also a name in Arabic. It refers to the praised one”; whom God is praising”, Muhammad [s.a.w]. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was called Ahmad and he said Ahmad is one of his names. Many Jews & Christians scholars of today in clear identify the power depicted in Revelation 9:1-12 as referring to Islam and its prophet, Muhammad [AS]. Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter [, Ahmad], will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him [, Ahmad] unto you, (John 16:7-14). Sufi Sultan Mahmood has cleared all the confusion and it is up to you if you want to believe it or not, the truth is put forwards all for sake of God, to please God. Jesus [AS] said it in clear, “For if I go not away, Ahmad will not come unto you,” John 16:7. The Semetic languages include Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic, because all 3 of these languages come from the same root words). Ahmed AND Muhammad ALL come from the same archaic trilateral, which is HMD (pronounced Hemed). It is known as the Semetic Praise. The disciples of Jesus know Muhammad [s.a.w] and that is why so many Jews & Christians became into Islam & than became Muslims to Sufi’s. Many Christians and Jews have accepted Islam (, Islam literally means ‘submission to God’) by recognizing Muhammad (pbuh) from the Bible. One of those is the late Revered David Benjamin Keldani the author of ‘Muhammad in the Bible’. Became a Muslim & God tells the Christians and the Jews to follow the Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w], who is mentioned in their own past holy books: Say, He is God, the One, God, the Absolute, He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him, [112:1-4]. Christianity and Judaism also originated in the Middle East, and the Prophet made clear that far from bringing a new message, he was in fact calling people back to the one true God and to the way of life people had left. The revelations he received corrected distortions that had crept into earlier revelation and called all to return to the ‘Straight Path’ of Islam. “If anyone murders an (innocent) person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity” [5:32]. ‘Help one another in benevolence and piety, and help not one another in sin and transgression’ [5:2] “Allah loves not the aggressors” [2:190]. You have read in truth but in truth, (Allah), The Knower of the Ghaib; He (Allah) does not reveal His Ghaib to any, Except a Rasool (Messenger/Apostle Muhammad s.a.w) whom He has chosen and is pleased with; for surely He makes a guard to march before him and after him, So that He may know that they have truly delivered the Messages of their Lord, and He encompasses what is with them, and He records the number of all things [Quran, 72:26 to 28]. Allah guards those upon whom the knowledge of Ghaib has been bestowed, i.e. the Chosen One, Muhammad [s.a.w] infallible by Allahs protection; and in Surah 33:40, “Muhammad is . . . The Apostle of God, And the Seal of the Prophets.” Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans … Email only E mail…Mahmood.sul@outlook ……..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:26:23 +0000

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