Truth is: I love putting together shows. Well you already know - TopicsExpress


Truth is: I love putting together shows. Well you already know that of course. But what most of you dont know is me. The boy who wont grow up. Ok, this isnt going to explain all of me. Thats something thats really hard to get someone else to know. But I am going to attempt to explain why I chose the life I lead, because I feel I lost myself for a bit of time but want all of you to know more about who I really am. For this explanation were starting at my first year of college. The radio station took me in and showed me that theres SO much amazing music being made right here in Buffalo. I started having people on my show and found out the people making this music that I loved were also awesome people. I wanted to be friends with all of these people. I never really cared for a 9-5 desk job in a cubicle. I truthfully have realized I am in the moments I enjoy, & wherever that takes me Im perfectly fine with because its a journey Im loving. I live for friends & adventures. Thats what makes me happiest. So, at the point I lost contact with many high school friends, I started working my butt off to try to impress the people in the scene doing the coolest things Ive ever seen. As quiet as I can be, I got to know so many great people, and loved every second of it as I felt I was getting to somewhere I want to be and could then stay at. Then I graduated and focused on my own organization, I was confident I could make this work. Until I reached my financial limit. Ive always been broke, & Im fine never having anything fancy. But when the credit card got maxed and I had to cancel instead of being short money, I felt the most defeated. I had had someone say theyd front it which is why I agreed to it and then they realized they couldnt but the blame only went back to me since I knew I should have checked. This is when it really sunk in that no matter how much I do, I cant always be perfect about it. This has taken me so long to become ok with. The reason I love this is that I love helping promote and encourage creativity. The thing I hate the most in the world is people being upset at me. Another reason I still love doing what I do is because I want to impress you, because I want to be your friend. But now Im still scared that I may still mess it up sometimes. I may not feel on top of the world anymore, but I know I have still come so far from where I started. & after fighting with myself again, I know Ill never give this up. This is what Ive gotten good at, and any mistake Ive made Ive learned from. I have something going that has taken years to create, and a group of so many people that I love working with and want to help so much. Thank you, each one of you, for believing in me and supporting me. Ive had my lows, and I think Im getting myself out of this one now. The thing that still always gets me through is music & friends. I feel what I need to hear always comes at just the right time. & Ive realized I want to get to know my friends more. Ive hid myself from opening up for some time, partly due to reaching my financial limit again and feeling helpless about it, but its under control, and thats not who I want to be (even though Ill always be shy xP) As corny as it is, Truth Is: Thank You for finding me. Friends old & new. Thank You for putting up with my quirks, and letting me know its ok. Thank You for getting me by when I get sad, dont feel well, or things build up too much on my nerves (Theres some of you that REALLY helped before and for that Im forever grateful). Thank You for making me smile. Thank You for encouraging me to be creative too. I just hope I can do the same for as many of you as I can
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:43:41 +0000

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