Try something new this New Year. Be Still and seek the quiet place - TopicsExpress


Try something new this New Year. Be Still and seek the quiet place of Divine inspiration to give you insights as to what your supposed to be doing in 2015. I begin by reflecting on the year. What went well, where were the obstacles that side tracked me and slowed me from my progress. What did I learn, the experiences I had, the things I did with my family. Then I put it into an over all theme. From there I see if it matched the theme name I gave it last year. Then with those notes of wisdom I prayerfully seek what I am supposed to accomplish this next year? Why? What will be the obstacles? How to overcome those challenges that will present themselves as they did last year? What must I do to accomplish those objectives. Then I flesh the strategy out into a calendar. So when 2015 launches I am ready. All this comes when I am still. So my challenge to all my friends is to take time to be still and write some things down. These are not New Years Resolutions but rather a continuing of your strategy and plan from the year before. The key as my mentor taught me is Reasonable progress in reasonable time. So this way you wont be let down if after two months your resolutions have failed. Instead you will see them as part of the whole plan. The whole vision that you are carrying out. Then just make monthly reviews of your progress and make the appropriate changes as you continue on the plan. If you would like a full description of how I do this then feel free to check out my Strategic Freedom Program. trivisionglobal/strategicfreedom_2/ the dates are going to be updated as is the page but you should get a good idea. So may everyone of you have an awesome New Year and well talk to you in 2015.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:18:42 +0000

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