Try this exercise today and let me know how it goes or...if you - TopicsExpress


Try this exercise today and let me know how it goes or...if you have questions! Single Leg Circle: One leg circle is one of the best pilates exercises for testing your core strength. This is a focus exercise -- meaning, its a great opportunity to work the abdominals while keeping the Pilates principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow in mind. Lie on your back with legs extended on the floor, arms by your sides. Take a moment to feel the weight of your body on the floor. Try to balance the weight of the shoulders and the hips on each side. Engage Your Abdominals Pull your abdominals in, anchoring the pelvis and shoulders. Extend one leg toward the ceiling. You may leave the knee slightly bent if your hamstrings are tight. It is more important that your hips stay stable and grounded on the mat than it is for your leg to be straight. Inhale: Cross the extended leg over toward the opposite hip. Exhale: Drop the leg a few inches. Use control as you open the leg out and then sweep it around in a small circle back to center. Be sure to keep your shoulders and pelvis level. This is more important than extending the leg fully or making big circles. It is in keeping the pelvis stable that your abdominals get their workout.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:12:33 +0000

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