Try to read through, its PURPOSELY FOR YOU... Thank you - TopicsExpress


Try to read through, its PURPOSELY FOR YOU... Thank you DADDY... Something unusual happened today for close to 3 hours was asking Da Ancient Man what He has for His own very people... Did some house shores- NO MESSAGE. Wrote some notes- NO REPLY. Arranged somethings- NO VOICE. Bath & Prepared- NO TRACE. On my way to work as I was wondering, pondering & asking Papa is there NO MESSAGE TODAY? then He spoke... For everything there is a reason & season. A time for every purpose under the heaven... Nobody has Gods purpose for your life except God... Nobody will tell you Gods purpose except God & you- YOU! In what way by asking, listening & obeying God per time... Abraham was given the chance to give birth at the early years of their marriage because God has a purpose for him (ABRAHAM), her (SARAH) & him (ISAAC)... You are where you are today because of a PURPOSE- it could be for good or the other way wrong which you placed yourself... There was a purpose why God spoke at the time He spoke this morning because someone needs this message so much... Those challenges, tough times, difficulties, troubles, problems you are passing through is to make you a BETTER CELEBRATED INDIVIDUAL IN YOUR LIFE TIME... You are in that small company or business because God has a purpose for you there to fulfil, inability to work on the purpose at time makes you stay longer, lower or leave... You find yourself in that big company because God has a plan for you & the earlier you work in His purposeful line the better for you... Have you been living in a Rented Apartment for years? Should I make it clear to you that you must have been refusing Gods purpose & not until you do that which is expected of you NO LAND or PERSONAL APARTMENT for you... The PURPOSE OF GOD lies in your own HAND, its only you that can allow, permit, trancate, ruin it by your hands... I have heard & seen people switch PURPOSE to be FATE, DESTINY & the likes then I see much ignorance in this world... Joseph had a purpose to REIGN but without checking out of his comfort zone the last born corner he will only reign as a local ruler (community chairman, baale, elder) which still fulfil the purpose of ruling but on a partial level... Someone has been sick for years, months because your sound health hasnt been profitable to humanity & God... They became poor because their riches & wealth is to oppress, torment, torture & cause pain... Theres a PURPOSE why you are not made a cockroach, bee, ant, antelope, dog, bird, plant or tree but A LIVING BEING full of LIFE ABUNDANT to FULFIL PURPOSE... I pray for somebody, your PURPOSE shall be accomplished today... I pray for her, receive VISION for that purpose... I pray for him, you shall remain in Gods purpose & not your self will... I pray for both young & old you shall not remain PURPOSELESS... Amen. Good Morning. @ motivation redefined by The Ayodele-Ola.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:35:12 +0000

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