Trying to eat healthy on vacation is impossible on a - TopicsExpress


Trying to eat healthy on vacation is impossible on a budget.. reddit/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/2cmn9u/trying_to_eat_healthy_on_vacation_is_impossible/ • Generally, healthier foods take more resources and time to prepare so they are going to be more expensive than something like chips that can be made in bulk for pretty cheap. Its been a pretty controversial issue in America in terms of why less well-off people can afford healthier foods. • I thought it was more about there being less subsidies for healthy food in comparison to the ingredients used to make the unhealthy ones. • I dont know why you were downvoted, I think this is partially the case... • He/she said more not partially. The main reason, by far, that junk food is cheaper is because it has virtually infinite shelf life and costs way less to mass produce in calories/dollar. Ignoring all subsidies on either side, this would still be the case. This is only relevant for prepared foods, though. Healthy food can be gotten very cheap, you just have to prepare it yourself. To make it as cheap as possible you have to limit the variety, but a person can eat healthy for cheaper than someone who lives off junk food. It just takes more work and preparation. • this is partly the case yes especially our huge corn subsidies in the US • Free market! Except, you know, when it would alienate rural voters! • The same people who champion free market economics are the ones pushing to keep subsidies while lowering welfare. Politics 101: you dont need to have a consistent platform so long as you say what your constituents want to hear. • Source for subsidies on unhealthy food? The only example provided is for corn....a genetically altered but natural starch that is healthy in reasonable quantities.... • I believe in the movie district 9, the prawns eating cat food was a commentary on the shitty food thats available for the poorest people. • Some people really do have to eat that shit. Seniors who dont have retirement funds especially • Not really. Vegetables are super cheap. Theres just a premium on them because theyre associated with high-income consumers. • You realize you are actually saying poor people are getting too many calories for too low cost? Damn them. • Empty calories arent doing them any good in the long run. Theyll need to eat more to get minimal doses of vitamins and whatnot, which will mean hundreds or thousands of extra calories. Add in the addictive effects carbohydrates can sometimes have, especially when theyre in a form engineered to be addictive, and you have an obesity epidemic. • I too am on vacation. Id like one of your $6 salads please • 18 for a Cobb salad!! Helllll to the no • No shit man. For these prices my salad better get tossed.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 03:45:05 +0000

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