Trying to love somebody that you can’t even like… Trying to - TopicsExpress


Trying to love somebody that you can’t even like… Trying to love anybody when you haven’t learned to love yourself… Pretending to be in love with someone when you actually are not… Pretending that you do not love someone when, in truth, you do but you lack the courage to show it. In almost every instance, these conflicting energies are driven by fear— fear of loneliness and not having enough; or fear of rejection and not being enough. But without truth, trust and vulnerability, Love really has no place to grow. When people are being emotionally dishonest, they act at cross-purposes and they emit vibes that are entangled by these mixed signals. The people who try to love them wind-up feeling confused about their intentions and about the stability of their Love. And rightfully so. Mixed-signals are at the root of most dysfunctional relationships. That toxic dance that can lead to a romance between love and hate, between persistence and distance— is not healthy for any relationship, whether romantic or platonic, and it will impact the mental-health and well-being of the people involved. We were built to endure and enjoy the pull of other hearts tugging strongly at our heartstrings, but most of us cannot endure for very long the tug and tightness of a constant knot of uncertainty in our guts. So we each have a responsibility to our heart to speak its truth, and to never ask the heart to wear a disguise. The heart was not built to be a place to camouflage feelings nor to hatch our convenient little lies. So it is better to hurt someone momentarily with a gentle dose of the truth than to allow a person to jump through a-million-and-one hoops in pursuit of a heart that is only willing to share something unloving. And it is better to confess your love to someone even when you know those feelings will not be returned, rather than to withhold the kind ways and words of Love because you are fearful of getting burned. The heart can recover from any pain, and ultimately it is strength and wisdom that it will gain, when it recognizes that its feelings have been expressed from a place that was centered in its own truthfulness. Your heart is meant to be a sacred space, an expression of Grace, a healing place for LoVe. Keep it peaceful, purposeful, passionate and pure.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:17:38 +0000

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