Trying to process the events in France, and curious about your - TopicsExpress


Trying to process the events in France, and curious about your views. The human tragedy and grief should be absorbed. But my main concern is that Europe will slide into another era of fierce nationalism, ethnic segregation, and potentially much greater bloodshed led by demagogue leaders. I say this very much as an observer from afar, as well as experiences in Europe. A few years ago, I read a book that really influenced me around these questions called Murder in Amsterdam by Ian Buruma, a Bard College professor, about the celebrated and controversial Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was shot and killed by an Islamic extremist for making a movie that insulted the prophet Mohammed. Burumas book is a page turner described the ethnic segregation in Amsterdam masterfully, the complete disconnection between different communities, including the poverty that many immigrants live within, as well as the difficult conditions many nationals face in modern European economic life, and the extremist groups on all sides. For those who have visited the suburbs of Paris, as I have over the years several times, you see feel this up close. Its like a tinder box waiting to explode (as it has on occasion in riots) -- neighborhoods of immigrants striving to get by, lots of ethnic tension built up. Ive never felt so white. You can really feel the tension - its thick. At the same time, Buruma and others describe the rise of nationalist politicians like Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, whose party has gained enormous ground. She scares me. Big time. And, shes playing to all the fears coming out of this incident, I read in papers across Europe today. With Europes anemic economic state, and a monetary union that is hanging on by perhaps threads hoping that Greece doesnt fall, it seems that this is a moment in time when our vigilance and constructive leadership is critical. Okay, layman thoughts, but important times and topics, and would be grateful for any thoughts, especially from European friends. Godspeed.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 12:48:19 +0000

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