Tsk! TSK!TSK! Stuck Pigs Squeal! :) Cant believe, rather I - TopicsExpress


Tsk! TSK!TSK! Stuck Pigs Squeal! :) Cant believe, rather I can--why would I expect anything else?---the joint press release of the Fifty For The Future and the Greater Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce embracing the DeGray Water Project and neatly printed on the front page of the Citys mouthpiece, the Sentinel- Record, this morning under the byline of the Citys favorite reporter, Don Thomason. THEN the Sentinel Record prints an editorial column-yards long re-hashing the opinion piece disguised as news splashed on page one and carried over to page four--- same old, tired shibboleths, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Oh, my, could it be that the scare in the Good Old Boys Club is ashowin? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! We, your great unwashed, the nobodies of the world, those with tin-foil hats who demand answers and not silence, facts and not pabulum, have not, to quote John Paul Jones, even begun to fight. Stay tuned! When a pig is stuck, it squeals. Thanks, Good Old Boys and Sentinel-Record, for squealing long and hard all over this mornings paper. P.S. Lest I polluted my pants and the floor, I had to read todays paper while sitting on a commode, and I write this, even as I continue my first form of constitutional expression from the throne, as one of my two reactions to the crap printed today.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:04:58 +0000

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