Tuesday 04 March Reading: 1 Kings 19:9-18 Reflection: It is - TopicsExpress


Tuesday 04 March Reading: 1 Kings 19:9-18 Reflection: It is interesting to contrast Jesus’ transfiguration with Elijah’s encounter with God. Both of these men were used by God in amazing ways, and both suffered deeply. Yet their encounters with God were very different. After showing the whole of Israel that Baal was a powerless idol in a showdown with Baal’s prophets, you would think that Elijah would be elated. But he had received a death threat from the queen which plunged him into a deep depression, and he ran away to the wilderness, feeling alone and defeated. It was here that God came to him and revealed God’s Self to him, not in great and glorious manifestations, but in a gentle whisper. Yet, this was enough to empower him for ministry again. In Jesus’ case, the encounter came at a moment when things seemed to be going well in his ministry. But, he knew he had to go to Jerusalem to face his sacrificial death, and so God touched him in a way that would prepare him for the coming ordeal. This encounter was glorious and powerful, with bright light, loud voices, and the appearance of two great heroes from the past. And this seemed to empower Jesus to face the road he was called to follow. It’s tempting, when we experience God in a powerful or significant way, to think that everyone should have the same experience. Then, when others encounter God in different ways, or through different expressions of worship and devotion, we easily judge them as inadequate, or as not open to God’s move. Yet, the Scriptures reveal that God sometimes comes to us in dramatic manifestations, and sometimes in quite, gentle whispers. Neither is better than the other. They are just different, and are tailored to our specific needs. The key is to learn to be open to God’s gracious visitations whenever and however they may come, and to receive whatever strength and inspiration we need. How can you open yourself to encounter God again today? Practice for Today: In the lives of both Jesus and Elijah it was the discipline of prayer that kept them available to receive God’s visitations. When we make prayer – both speaking and listening – a regular feature of our lives, we remain open to any divine encounters that may come. Today, allow your prayer life to prepare you to meet with God throughout the day. Breath-Prayer for Today: Prepare my heart, O God, that I may be ready when you choose to reveal yourself to me.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 07:00:27 +0000

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