Tuesday 10: #1: Congradulations to Tamdan The Barn Cat McCrory. - TopicsExpress


Tuesday 10: #1: Congradulations to Tamdan The Barn Cat McCrory. Great Win. Great KO. and best wishes on your journey Part 2. IN case people dont know.. oh wait.. you only like Jon Jones since about his 5 UFC fight and then you told everyone you knew him, went to school with him, hang out with him, talk to him, play cards with him, wrestled him, fought him, ect… dont miss out on The Barn Cat.. now you can get behind him before everyone else and lie about it. Very Happy for you Tamdan. keep living the dream! #2: Everybody stop. WHO CARES that Ray Rice punched his girlfriend. NOT saying it was cool.. not saying he is not a scum bag. but really… people are getting their heads cut off and we are up in arms about a guy punching his girlfriend in New Jersey. #3: In relation to this story.. Ray Lewis mentioned his supported for Rice and that he offers council. what does everyone do… Call out Ray Lewis for killing someone. nobody but Ray Lewis and God know the truth. so unless you were there.. Ray Lewis was judged, served his time, paid his fine and lives a much different life. #4: We as a nation really do get attached to stories about people we have no relation to, no concern with, or never have met. we get upset, happy, sad, or angry over the actions of people who have no affect on our own lives but yet most people could care less about the people around them that they see everyday. And i am a bit guilty of this too… while i have never met Kurt Russell.. if anything had happened to him i would be concerned … i do not know why.. i just love that guy hahaha. #5: Everyone will have something to say about Number 2 and Number 3 above and oppionons are like assholes… but you already knew that and so did I seeing that all ten of these are mostly opinions hahaha. #6: FInally Somthing that matters…. I WON MY FANTASY GAME THIS WEEK!!!! 1-0!!! ALL HAIL MEGATRON!!!!! #7: I spent 16 dollars on Fan Duel this weekend… won $40! Grinding my way to being a Thousandaire. #8: Dont you hate it when you go Grocier Shopping and you dont buy much food but buy more things like cooking oils, coffee, and Almond Butter and end up spending $100. Damn.. healthy eating is not cheap… That said.. those are not bought every week so its a one time big bill followed by some restocking as its used. they have a forever shelf life. #9: Stephan Bonner… WWE Called.. they said your acting sucked so much they wont even take you. try getting better at fighting and not cross over into fake fighting. #10: I have finally surrendered and now play much more country music. I dont like it… in fact I hate it… but its not about me.. its about you… your taste is horrible.. but whatever hahaha
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:02:21 +0000

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