Tuesday, 2 September 2014 Wisdom of Astaroth: - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, 2 September 2014 Wisdom of Astaroth: Duality --------------------------------------- We are all united and our intention is to help earth raise her vibration and bring high light to the whole planet. This is not happening at the moment because earth exists in isolation and is surrounded by an artificial veil of illusion and deceit. This vail has been designed by forces who exist on a different plane and a group of people on earth have become their servants and workers. Through them they control the planet and peoples minds while they are taking away their free will, energy and all the powers and abilities they naturally possess from birth. These forces are not superior or high but they are fighting for their own survival and are hoping to be able to transform. Their servants and workers on earth are connected to these forces and are convinced that they are gods themselves. There is a game of deceit played at all levels and with every being who wishes to follow the illusion. At birth, people of earth have a clear understanding of their purpose and tools. Young children may not know how to read and write or have an extended vocabulary but energetically are connected to the astral plane and have the ability to receive information, generate and transmit light to the cosmos. When children start to become aware of the society structures, they start to lose their ability to connect to the astral plane. Their ability to reach enlightenment is minimised or diminished. The focus in their lives will be indoctrination, focusing on the mind-logic-limitation and be part of a life of duality, fragmentation and non growth. From very young age people are criticised, penalised, punished and forced to accept an unnatural expression of existence. They grow up to become supporters of this life style. By then they have totally disconnected themselves from their true purpose, the connection with the astral plane and the connection to the earth energies. People forget that they have reincarnated to save earth and to help her connect to her purpose. You are here to collect the cosmic light and bring it to earth and this way she may be healed from her traumas and schisms. Now that you know your true purpose you have to break all ties with artificiality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ THE WHOLE TEACHING BY USING THE LINK BELOW __________________________________________________________________ Done by communication between high Goddess Astaroth,Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis. Monday, 1 September 2014. __________________________________________________________________ READ MORE TEACHINGS ON OUR WEBLOG __________________________________________________________________ pantheonofaeternam.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/wisdom-of-astaroth-duality.html Pantheon of Aeternam: Wisdom of Astaroth: Duality pantheonofaeternam.blogspot.nl All rights reserved-all information herein is the sole intellectual property of Pantheon of Aeternam and cannot be reproduced, copied and or displayed publicly or privately wholly or in part...
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:21:04 +0000

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