Tuesday Afternoon, 12/30/2014 12:54 PM - Edited You are - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Afternoon, 12/30/2014 12:54 PM - Edited You are genuinely nervous. Some of you are beyond remedial when it comes to assessments of situations and people. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. I only get nervous in VERY LARGE settings, around people who can make or break your life in a moment or comment, and those who are not there other than to treat you as a spectacle. I purposely stay away from friendships for reasons of my own, which I do not care to elaborate or explain to those who only call me friend; but treat me like an animal or subspecies. Or the lowliest of animals, who will still act better than most humans. Truth be known, I prefer 10 MILLION acquaintance to having 100 friends. Because each friend requires time and energy; and for me that is not always the best combination. My philosophy can be explained simply. If you have more than 30 friends, really good friends, you may have too many. In other words, if you can only give them 1 day in your month because you are required to spend time with the other 29; how much of a really good friend are they to you? Especially if they require time and your energy to keep the bond stronger, and the goals established true to form. You never want another to think that others are more important, no matter if they are you friends, children or only acquaintances. It lacks honest sincerity. The same goes with your children. How much time do you really spend with your children? Do you spend one full day per month with each child? Then why did you have children in the first place, when you only give them as much time as you would your family pet; or your circle of friends? I dont care for public speaking either. Because I dont like scripts when it comes to my performance. I do much better when I can wing it, because there is little to substitute for spontaneity with a purpose. If I am expected to speak, one can be sure that the time will be placed forth that I can make adequate preparation. However, to curtail it to 5 minutes only, does not make for the best of any delivery. Nor 15 minutes, unless the topic is known prior and then one can adequately prepare. But to me, a speech is like a relationship. If you are required a limited time to accomplish what you want or need, and they can only give you x number of minutes and you need more; than those minutes can be intense indeed. And then it can create discomfort for both parties. Saying what needs to be said with purpose, requires time. Sometimes the recipient does not want to make the time or cannot. If I am your parent, then to expect me to be a good one; requires giving you my undivided attention. If your attention is spread in multiple attentions already, and your child requires more; then it is incumbent to do a better job of prioritizing requirements in my life. When I played sports, I was only initially nervous. The first time at the plate, or when the ball came to my position the first time in the field, the pass came my way or the handoff was delivered. Once that moment occurs when you are engaged you lose your nervousness. And it may not return until the next game, not the next time the ball is delivered or you respond to action your way. The same goes with life. In order to have a team, you need to involve your teammates. Because if everyone is not focusing on the same thing, with the same purpose and intensity; it is not much of a team. Magic Johnson was the perfect teammate when it came to keeping people involved. If you were not ready when he was, you would be reminded sooner than later. Tom Brady would not be the quarterback with the attributes he has displayed, if it was not for his teammates. All of his teammates, but moreso those on the same line of the field he plays. Special teams, offense and defense comprise the field of play; but it is the management team to ENSURE the right players are picked comprising that team. The best teams demonstrate a top down approach to leadership and managing their resources with precision for the most part. Rarely does a team ever win a championship with poor management, a great offense, a good defense and only adequate special teams. Try to find one team in the last 50 years who demonstrates that accomplishment in football. Or the same in baseball, or basketball. You need to keep people engaged. And management is the key who will keep everyone involved one way or another. To only recognize the first team, and ignore the second team will ensure nothing except a lackluster performance by the second team when their time is called. Eventually they will be called, will they be prepared to play and engage with others with the same passion preached from the onset? Granted there are All Stars, and solid first line players, but each person on that team has to be treated as though they are all first team players. Once again, try to find a team within the past 50 years who had superstars without an ancillary support system who were not also giving their all. In accomplishing team and individual goals. The best of superstars became that way, because other players in front of them placed them in a position to succeed. The player who sacrificed an at bat, advancing the runner so the guy behind him could drive that base runner home. The guy who took one in the ribs to get a runner on base so the team had an opportunity to score. The player who dished off a pass instead of taking a shot which did not have the same degree of accuracy or less chance of getting in the basket. The receiver who comes back towards the line and throws a key block, so someone else can break free or increase their yardage. I use sports analogies many times, because that is the classic example of team work. It is easier to describe and explain. And easier for many to understand. That was what Jesus did. He said go out by twos into the world. No one person will be expected to carry the load, the second one can support and inspire the first. And the next time, the other can take the lead. His message to us was that teammate was always better than individual accomplishments, because more can get done and both (to many) are involved. Yet today, I look around at 1,000s of organizations worldwide, and few to any even communicate with each other. Is that really what Jesus was preparing us for? To separate and exclude one for the other? All with different messages from one single unifying message? As an Angel, we ARE FAMILY. From top to bottom where we are, and wherever we may go. If there were only two colors, one for the Angels and one for the Saints; that would be optimal to members of each. I dare say, the Angels would not exclude one member of their Nation. But I cannot state the same for Saints. That makes me nervous, not anything I might have to do in this life. That you can be certain. Because if you do not know, and cannot trust what your teammate is supposed to do, even protecting you; that is not a team but an unknown (and uncertain) commodity of an organization. Jesus wanted us to be certain about each other, about the team goal, and about what was expected. Utilizing any person within the organization to fill a need without a second thought about who it was and when it needed to be done. Are you Saints really a team as you state? As Jesus intended? The Angels are, that is why we are better. We may not have superstars from top to bottom, but we play much better as a team; and usually succeed where others wont.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:03:32 +0000

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