Tuesday, Afternoon. Im just beginning to see, now Im on my - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, Afternoon. Im just beginning to see, now Im on my way.......Oooot, ahhhh, ummmmm, wake up son its Tuesday morn. Early Tuesday morn but still morn. Good mornin all and happy Tuesday. And as for me, Yahoo, mountain dew it is not only a good Tuesday, it is a GREAT Tuesday. My company has hired 2 more guards that will be starting this week and after I get back from my mini vacation on June 11th things might just start looking a little bit normal for us. One more guard to go and I will have a full crew. I am as excited as a kid in a candy shop if yall know what I mean? Anyway, enough about work, our garden at home is all planted, my wife did it all while I was at work and it looks awesome. The front yard is deck with a multitude of flowers and our Lilac bushes are all in bloom and they smell wonderful. I planted 2 mini bushes 2 years ago 1 in front of the house and one just outside our bedroom window in the back and the scent from the flowers blows right in our room. I didnt even think of that happening but it is wonderful. Of all the flowers, Lilacs are my favorite and the landscape from here to work is darted with them. I still love my drive to and from work because I dont have to get on the expressway, the back roads are marvelous and most of them are paved now. And there are flowers and critters every where and I think sometimes they just come out to greet me. I leave a little early for work so I can enjoy the ride and coming home if someone is driving too close behind me because I am moving too slow for them I pull over and let them pass. Its amazing what we can see when we slow down and look. And between Lapeer & Imlay City there are quite a few farms and the fields seem to dance in the wind. My favorite of course is the Sunflower field across from Ed.Tech on Lake Pleasant Rd. In the early morning the flowers are facing east, at noon they are pointed straight up and in the evening they are facing the west. They absorb their energy, nutrients and beauty from the sun. We could learn a lot from the flowers because when we choose to follow the Son we grow stronger TOO. Hmmmm, there are life lessons even in nature itself. Somehow I think that God planned it that way. Remember that verse in the book of Romans chapter 1 verse 20 where it says this about Gods creation; 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Wow, God has it ALL covered. Im sure glad that many years ago someone introduced me to Him and as I grow and study his word the eyes of my understanding have been enlightened. Anyway folks, I am praying that starting today if you havent already done so that we will all learn to slow down and take in the sights around us. Not just the flowers and the trees and the critters dancing and prancing in the fields but also the little children playing outdoors. The beautiful sound of their laughter. There is no greater sound than hearing a child laugh. Hug someone today, shake someones hand, smile often, laugh even more and may youre laughter turn to dancing. As bad as things may seem for you, there is always someone somewhere that is worse off. Pray for one another and when we do those things that seem to burden us will vanish away. Remember that God loves you and I do too. And honest Injun, I really do care about ALL of you. Lets see those smiles, Awwwwww, thats better. HUGS.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:18:34 +0000

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