Tuesday, December 09, 2014 SUD MTAU 1 INCREASING number - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, December 09, 2014 SUD MTAU 1 INCREASING number of Germans JOINED PEGIDA [ see December 08 SUD ] anger tool use to PROTEST what is termed the ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE. PEGIDA, Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, had its demostration countered by a 5,000 crowd with stock from Dresdens CIJU: Christian churches Islamic Centre Jewish Community University PEGIDA pulled a 10, 000 crowd on December 08 compared to the previous 7, 500. It says it wanted its protest to be FREE of neo - Nazis and extremists even as such joined previously. PEGIDA Facebook page said: Dear Friends, dear fellow citizens, dear patriots! Monday is PEGIDA DAY and today too we wish to show a peaceful sign....Bring your friends and neighbours and let us show the counter - demostrators that we are NOT XENOPHOBIC and NOT ISLAMOPHOBIC. Germany has seen similar demostrations in: Cologne Hanover Kassel Chemnitz Dusseldorf #WATCH the on - going public WAR ON TERRORISM and RADICAL ISLAM complicate, morph with OFFICIAL POLICY and become EXPORTED ONTO the GLOBAL, to COMBAT the ad nauseaum terror MALIGNANCY. *Note: The observable anger tool use by PEGIDA et al, may actually simmer, plateau, and then RISE again. 2 Global threats Terrorism a AQAP al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, the terrorist franchise that killed Somers and Korkie says it ABHOR DECAPITATIONS. A top AQAP leader al - Ansi, Nasser bin Ali said: There is no doubt that some of our brothers have been influenced by scenes of beheadings which have proliferated lately....These are scenes which we do not accept and we strongly reject....Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him and upon his family, has ordered us to be kind in everything, even in killing, and it is not part of kindness to film beheadings and slayings and publish them in public, where sons and daughters of those killed can see....These are some of the ugliest matters. b Bahrain, Damistan An incident being termed a terrorist act, resulted in the death of a policeman on duty in Damistan, Southwest of Manama [ the capital of Bahrain ] 3 Russia from December 08 - 13 would conduct OBSERVATION FLIGHTS OVER THE UNITED STATES in consonance with the Open Skies Treaty. Russias head of National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center Ryzhkov, Sergei said on Monday: Within the framework of the international treaty on Open Skies a group of Russian inspectors plan to conduct an observation flight on a Russian Tupolev Tu - 154M - LK - 1 observation aircraft over the territory of the United States. The US did its observational flight over Russian territory in November 2014. 34 nations are signatories to the Open Skies Treaty. 4 THL a Prime Minister PM Netanyahu would select Katz, Yisrael as NEW ISRAELI FINANCE MINISTER. Ex Finance and Justice Ministers Lapid, Yair and Livni, Tzipi were SACKED just days ago by the PM who said he no longer could TOLERATE OPPOSITION from within the ruling coalition government. Livni insist the March 17, 2015 elections would provide the BEST OPPORTUNITY to replace Netanyahu, Benjamin. Monday, he said: We are going to elections because of a decision by a prime minister who fears and is pressured by his ministers. This is the opportunity to replace the prime minister ahead of serious security and diplomatic decisions that will enable Israel to remain Jewish and democratic. OPPOSITION leader Herzog, Isaac had been saying the Centre - Left must do away with egos so to beat the PM in new elections. b Political alliances Monday,opposition LABOUR signed a vote - sharing agreement with MERETZ. Ex Likud Minister Kahlon, Moshes party [ being formed ] and Yisael Beytenu also signed a vote - sharing agreement. c The 1991 - formed European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD would be allowed by Israel to OPERATE FROM PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES. EBRB is to help REBUILD post - soviet ECONOMIES. Israel, one of the 66 - shareholder states of EBRD had previously RESISTED its operation from Palestine. d ATTACK 19 - year - old soldier standing @ a bus stop on Monday had a rock hurled @ him. He was injured, lightly. e Golan heights NINE residents of Druze who flew Hezb allah flags got questioned by Israeli detectives on suspicion of showing solidarity to the IRAN - CONTROLLED SHIA TERRORIST GROUP. f The US State Department has DENIED reports that the White House is considering SANCTIONS AGAINST ISRAEL. State Department Spokespersons, Psaki said: Its simply not something thats being considered. #STILL under attack @ HOME; a broken, fractious GOVERNMEMT being set for more troubles @ EBRD ENTRANCE. 5 OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reports TODAY that the GAP between the RICH and POOR in a range of nations worldwide, has REACHED the WIDEST in 30 years. 6 Ghana Dr. Gariba, Sulley is Ghanas NEW AMBASSADOR TO CANADA. He schooled, acquiring his masters and PHD, and had lectured OVER A DECADE in Canada. 7 United States TODAY, the Senate Intelligence Committee would RELEASE the 480 - page Central Intelligence Agency CIA torture report. The US, has stepped up security in anticipation of UNREST post the release. The executive summary detailed CIA INTERROGATION TECHNIQUES particularly some of those used while handling al Qaeda detainees post 09 / 11 which are deemed to be beyond: White House WH CIA State Department lawyers AUTHORISATION under President Bush, George W. Public RESPONSE to the reportss released is expected to be NEGATIVE. Pentagon spokesman Army Colonel Warren, Steven said: [ T ]here is certainly the possibility that the release of this report could CAUSE UNREST.[ Emphasis all mine ] Said White House spokedperson Earnest, Josh: There are some indications that the release of the report could lead to a greater risk that is posed to US facilities and individuals all around the world....The administration has taken the prudent steps to ensure that the proper security precautions are in place at US facilities around the globe....[ but President Obama wants the report released ] so that people around the world and people here at home understand exactly what transpired. MT That this WH would RISK US NATIONAL SECURITY for a cause so that people...understand exactly what transpired is TELLING indeed. It tells loads because the administration is NOT KNOWN TO BE TRANSPARENT. In fact, it is one that LIES a lot, and love to operate in OPACITY. And to claim transparency in a SENSITIVE MATTER as this that EXPOSE the CIA, whose men and women FIGHT for the NATIONS SOUL, is indeed DISINGENOUS. Moreso when such threatens US SECURITY, so counter measures need be taken! Alas, the matter underscore the wisdom in sticking to doing right and by procedure. Perhaps the CIA could have had the used techniques approved and authorised first? Of course, practice is miles aheard of arm - chair rules! The balance in working within lawful ranges and needing to venture into REALMS that yield RESULTS even if unapproved / authorised is a difficult call just as the PRIVACY versus SECURITY debate that engulf the mass snooping issues. In all however, IF men of character were WILLING to WORK for good of COUNTRY / LAND and the WORLD, the proper and practical laws would be promulgated to start with, and operatives would yield their results working within those + / - acceptable modifications. Otherwise, we reap as happening, because thus we sow! NOW, a recognisable wave to humiliate and weaken US MILITARY - INTELLIGENCE MUSCLE hence security, while pleasing a definable constituency, is a suspect. In the end, the US gets to LOSE HUGELY. This is problematic. #The US could be wise at an effective modulation of its security and transparency - disclosure. Americans could work more RIGHT, practical and humane laws and OBEY THOSE as well as the US Constitution, to stem such FRICTION with associated fallouts and stay strong and healthy. For, a ROBUST America, is always a global blessing. #But would Washington? It doesnt look it! And that is sad. Regardless, its a lesson for those who could ALREADY SEE what it means. They could take stock and become bettered. They could also teach others, bringing them gradually to similar, FULLER REALISATION. For, this present state was a constant, waiting to happen per the path transversed / travelled in time not too long ago. The above, is unchangeable like the OECD find. Going forward, the RICH - POOR GAP would continue to INCREASE irrespective of measures to mitigate and narrow. That simply is NATURE. And man would LEARN this crucially vital lesson en masse only someday when he is TRULY willing to be taught! YOU could LEARN all or as much as possible NOW. It is YOUR CHOICE. Doing so would help you KNOW WHY some people make it, and get RICH while others continue to WALLOP in abject poverty, filth and squalor. It aint accidental. Reality is that, it is a simple function of CAUSE and EFFECT. That is what you get when you navigate all the tecnicalities and flowery language. Probe it, prove it and be advised! GM.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:30:44 +0000

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