Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Wow I am so overwhelmed with - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Wow I am so overwhelmed with thankfulness.. Addie is doing remarkably well!!! She is beyond better today than I could ever have imagined!! I have not witnessed this Addie for 40 days... My girl is back!! I will be honest, a part of me is definitely still waiting for the other shoe to drop but WOW is she doing good!! If she keeps this up until Thursday, I may begin to trust her again :) We left the PICU late last night. We could have been on 3J sooner but I refused to take room 88 back... Even though it is the best room in the hospital, the penthouse, I just felt like it was bad luck. It made my stomach hurt to think of going back there... I may be slightly superstitious but two trips to the PICU that both resulted in Addie being intubated are definitely grounds for bad vibes!! We are now in room 89 and I am feeling really good about it!! There isnt a bad room back here and compared to the shoebox we were in up in the PICU this is a mansion! :) I was up until 12:00 making it feel like home... Addie finally yelled at me to lay down!! She helped me finish decorating this morning and Christmas has arrived here in room 89!! We have had a very busy day. A wonderfully busy day filled with two walks (Addie hasnt walked for over 35 days, our faves hid her Rosie elf and she had to find it), playing games in the playroom, a visit from Aunt Yetti, a nice nap, Addie manicures, watching Elf, music and physical therapy, playing hidden picture books, a bath and a visit from Auntie Arin!! I dont know if you could ask for a better day here on 3JCP! We came back to our favorite nurse and nursing assistant... They always help to make it feel like home!! Only thing that could have made this day better was sharing it with Daddy, Gracie and Emma. I cant praise God enough... I am overwhelmed at the miracle I have lying next to me right now!! Addie not only was intubated once, but twice, and here she lies holding my hand and kissing me goodnight! Thank you Jesus for this day... This miraculous day!! She is so amazing, I missed her so much!!! Thank you for bringing her back to me!! I am going to enjoy every minute of this time with her... And pray that she will only continue to get better!!! I even got to experience an Addie tantrum last night... Whew, can my girl throw a fit!! I will take tantrums, they just mean my girl is back!! I am not sure what the week will bring... I dont even allow myself to think about tomorrow, let alone next week! But like I said before, I need to see a few more days like this before I will trust this little turkey... And even then it may be rough!! What I can trust our His promises and He has got this!! I am incredibly hopeful for the future and am praying that home is just around the corner! I was just praying and it is almost eery how at peace I feel with Addies cancer... Funny how life threatening organ damage can make stage 4 Neuroblastoma look like a walk in the park!! We still have a ways to go in Addies treatment and I pray that she will continue to stay on protocol in order to have the best odds of beating this!! Please Jesus let there be no more life threatening situations for the remainder of Addies protocol. Please allow time for her body to rest and heal but let no cancer grow!! I pray that every cancer cell has been killed and no opportunity for recurrence is possible! Please Jesus shield her from the remaining treatments, kill the cancer but leave my Addie Bean unharmed!! I would say she has been through enough... She has proved herself time and again that she wont be defeated!! Praise Jesus!! Thank you again to the amazing doctors and nurses in the PICU!! I felt so taken care of while we are up there... I felt they truly cared for both Addie and our family!! You saved my girls life and for that I am eternally grateful! Please dont take this the wrong way, but I hope to not come visit for quite sometime... Not until antibody therapy that is! Lastly, a special thank you to some incredibly generous supporters of Team Addie! I want to thank Ryan Downes, Ryan Sullivan and all those at NLXF for the generous donation to Team Addie and for the kind messages and love that were shown to our girl!! I was incredibly touched and overwhelmed at the amazing support we received from all of you... Wow!! Those shirts are amazing and seeing that sweaty sea of blue was so touching!! We are truly blessed to have people like you on our team!! Addie will know of you and the love and support you provided to her through her battle!! My heart overflows... Thank you!!! Go Team Addie! Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:07:32 +0000

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