Tuesday Guys we have two competitions on this weekend so if you - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Guys we have two competitions on this weekend so if you can make it that would be great to show your support. I will write up a big post tomorrow outlining the details. a. Skill/strength: OTM 10mins: Odd- max L-sit/KR hold Even- 6-12 T2B/KR Take two attempts on the hold each set and set consistent numbers on the T2B/KR. b. WOD: 5 rounds for time: 400m run/row 21 KB snatch 24/16 (1 KB) 12 ring dips 25min time cap Scale KB accordingly. Perform KB snatches with one KB and choose how to break them up between each arm. c. Extra: Tabata squat hold against wall. Hold a plate to increase difficulty. breakingmuscle/nutrition/five-supplements-even-crossfitters-should-love
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:32:50 +0000

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