Tuesday, January 6, 2015 We had another good day. Doug was in - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, January 6, 2015 We had another good day. Doug was in and out of CT scan by 5:30. The scan does show some swelling still, but his Neuro surgeon said no more than expected with his injuries. She thought he was doing very well and took out the drain. That will give us 48 hours before next scan. If everything is okay at that scan we do not have to do the internal shunt for draining the fluid. She also said that she didnt worry about leg movement because she had no doubt the brain was fully capable of giving appropriate signals. Praise God! Spoke with his Ortho surgeons and they are very happy with surgeries. Incisions look very good and he is moving legs more today. THANKS to prayers!! She said she wasnt worried about more movement at this time with the extent of his injuries. She said she wouldnt want to move either! He did flinch to tickling his feet and sides today! Last night I posted how awesome the small things are and how special. I believe God works in all those small miracles and special times to complete His good work. Today, Doug would still kiss on my hand, hugged me and pulled me close for a moment. Heart Melt!! He also kissed the girls hands again and his sister Teresas and Moms cheeks. He kissed Mandys hand and she asked if he knew it was her and not me. His reply was a couple of raspberries to the back of her hand! He would also bring his hand to his mouth to cover his cough tonight. Misty was holding his hand and he needed to cough. He brought her hand to his mouth but couldnt get it turned in time so just pressed her hand to cover it. We couldnt help but laugh. He was pretty groggy today with a new pain med similar to hydrocodone. I was glad they changed from the morphine but wanted him more awake. A good friend, Brad, text me his morning devotion. It talked about following God and receiving His blessings. It said sometimes we have to go around a corner in life to new blessing and challenges. It may not be what we would choose, and I most certainly would not have chosen THIS, but the thing we have to remember is that God chose it for us. Why we dont know, but we do know we are to stay faithful in His love and leadership of our lives and then His blessings will follow. He never meant for us to become stagnant but to allow Him to mold us for His glory and accomplish His work. He also promised He would be there with us in and through the trial. He will not leave us. We just have to turn the corner with confidence that He is beside us and allow our life to bring glory and honor to Him. Another good friend,Carol, posted that God knows the journey we need to take long before we do. How true is this!! Before the foundations of the world, He knew!! Matthew 7:7. Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you Philippians 1:6. Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. FACT: no matter the circumstance, our hope is in Christ Jesus. It is He alone that will see us though. Specific Prayers for tomorrow: Continued alertness Pain controlled Placement when he is able to leave Mercy Hospital Love to all, think of you often and thank you for your love, support and prayers Together with Christ, we will be victorious over ALL of this, To Him be all glory
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 04:46:26 +0000

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