Tuesday Jordan wasn’t feeling well. We brought her to the - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Jordan wasn’t feeling well. We brought her to the doctors and then because of her blood test results, they scheduled an MRI on Thursday morning at 5:45 am. That afternoon we received these results: Jordan has a benign tumor in her pituitary gland called a pituitary microadenoma. We will meet with an Endocrinologist on Monday morning. Our initial response, of course, was emotional. Hearing the words “tumor” in the pituitary gland that is located in the “brain” did not bring back any positive thoughts. Once again, the first decision one makes in trials is whether or not you are going to choose faith. An unbridled mind is a dangerous thing! Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long for results. It had already been a tough week so I was already emotional. After a good cry, time with my Savior, and reminders of whose child I am, His peace began to rule. I hated going through this alone, meaning without Tim… God instantly comforted me and surrounded me with love through His family, my family. ☺ Jordan too was emotional, and rightly so. She was given the information over the phone, without me being home!! I was so irritated about that!! Why would a doctor give a minor that information?!! (Even if she did say she wanted to know!) I raced home after school to be with her. After we sat and talked about the differences between her tumor and her daddy’s tumor things got better. She even began joking around about her “growth” giving it a name! God’s peace took over her fears and emotions!! What a blessing to see her trusting her Savior in this!! So, what is a pituitary microadenoma? It’s a very small, noncancerous tumor that forms in the pituitary gland. It is medically defined as a mass that is less than about 1 centimeter (Hers is .4 centimeter) in diameter that grows slowly and does not carry any risk of metastasizing, or spreading, to other parts of the brain or body. While pituitary microadenomas are benign, they can still cause problems if they disrupt normal hormone production. We are praising God that it is a noncancerous tumor and praying that He will guide the physician in her treatment. In most cases it is treated medicinally. We are taking the first step in treatment tomorrow morning… Praying that she will respond well to the chosen treatment.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:42:23 +0000

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