Tuesday, July 23, 2013 【本傑明·富爾福德】 - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, July 23, 2013 【本傑明·富爾福德】 2013年7月16日信息 Chaos and panic spreading amongst cabalists, more heads to roll soonBenjamin Fulford, July 16, 2013混亂和恐慌在陰謀集團內部蔓延,更多頭目將很快被倦入本傑明·富爾福德 2013年7月16日信息The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.陰謀集團在西方通過非法和暗中奪取了政權,被認為已經在控制行星鬥爭中失敗了。結果是陰謀集團的精英內部恐慌和混亂開始蔓延。這個跡象在公共領域和秘密世界的軍事,間諜和流氓機構隨處可見。On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office.在公眾面前,國土安全局局長和15個那個部門的頂級Sabbatean代理人在上周被開除了,加入26將軍,CIA(中央情報局)局長戴維彼得雷烏斯,參議院情報委員會主席J洛克菲勒,可惡的教皇,荷蘭女王貝婭特麗克絲,澳大利亞總理朱麗亞吉拉德,比利時國王艾伯特二世和許多陰謀集團操縱者。只有埃里克侯德爾現在還堅持著,在總統奧巴馬和合法行動將其移除出辦公室期間,也許不久了。On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique.一旦這些事情公開,意大利P2共濟會的成員說前總理西爾維奧貝盧斯科尼計劃意大利尋求政治難民身份,也許在俄羅斯。在日本,公安民警的消息來源說,患癌症的首相安倍晉三只有幾個月就要離開人世了,替換已經在當前的統治集團內部做出選擇。There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty.也有持續的秘密談判發生在諾斯替光照派,世界軍事社團頭目,白龍會,俄羅斯政府,龍之家族和綠龍和藍龍等其他人之間。根據幾個關鍵的談判家,有一個廣泛協議達成,需要用一些更仁慈的方式來替代目前的治理結構。但強硬派之間有分歧,主要是西方的軍事情報機構,想完全消除13 Sabbatean血統和溫和派,包括白龍會和各亞洲團體,讚成一個真相與和解委員會,來一個大赦天下。In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries.不管怎樣,討論關於接下來會發生什麼仍然需要坐在後座看看G7國家將陰謀集團移除出權力層的持續努力。The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated.陰謀集團已經拼命在保留這個權力。在美國,DHS的頭目納波利塔諾被解雇幫助阻止一個妄圖高度宣傳齊默爾曼的審判來引發種族騷亂並藉此為借口在美國宣佈戒嚴。美國司法部長霍爾德試圖煽動種族騷亂現在正在接受調查。In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations.其他的陰謀集團的動作,在敘利亞的一個俄羅斯海軍基地的爆炸襲擊事件被報道有涉及到以色列的飛機飛出土耳其。這很明顯是一次嘗試挑起俄羅斯軍事報復北約成員國土耳其,引發第3次世界大戰,那是Sabbateans期待已久的“世界末日的善惡大決戰”。當然,沒人會再被這些假象愚弄。Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe.俄羅斯的響應是在遠東舉行緊急軍事演習,從土耳其到俄羅斯的對面,發送信號,“我們將採取報復行動,但不是你認為的何時何地。”跟被愚弄卷入戰爭相反的是,俄羅斯和諾斯替光照派代理人說,他們將針對歐洲的Sabbatean黑手黨領導人及頂級家族成員。Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack.可信的威脅也來自MI6(軍情六處)消息源,另一個核恐怖攻擊日本。最新的情況是,一個核裝置打算通過在東京西部的橫田美國空軍基地一個秘密的地下運河網絡走私到東京。這一警告的來源跟之前對日本2011年3月11日日本要受到核攻擊是同一家消息源。The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries.陰謀集團也拼命地試圖避免破產在日益增長的全球抵制陰謀集團收入來源進程中。在日本,他們收買Shunichi Tanaka,核監管局的頭,防止日本核電站重新開放,據日本軍事情報來源。重開設備就意味著日本將從陰謀集團控制的石油出口國每月車不多要少進口350億美元的原油。As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter.作為這項運動的一部分,很多歹徒和代理已經在福島周圍傳播放射性銫,據日本警方的消息。銫來自於石油和醫療行業的主要工業廢水中。核監管機構的公共關系辦公室拒絕評論這些當這個記者打電話給他們時。Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined.盡管有這些舉動,但陰謀集團控制的石油工業結束了。例如,澳大利亞宣佈,它們已發現的石油超過了伊朗,伊拉克和委內瑞拉總合。moneymorning/ob-article/arckaringa-saudi.php?code=131883Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil.聯合加拿大和俄羅斯,這意味著世界將不再不得不為了石油而去動蕩的中東。Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter.同時,抵制目的在於讓在美國的陰謀集團政府破產的勢頭強勁。購買美國小麥,大米,牛肉和其他商品縮減是由多個國家包括中國,俄羅斯,日本和韓國組成。此外,目前的解雇潮和波音客機墜毀顯然是關閉美國最大的出口商的出口成功宣傳活動的一部分。The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy.美國金融罪犯馬克瑞奇的死也暴露出他作為一個操作的頭從1990年代開始,在克林頓執政期間,用鎢塊替代了美國的黃金供給,據MI5(軍情五處)的來源。大多數美國的黃金儲備已經離開了這個國家意味著美元沒有黃金支持在美國。黃金顯然是由擁有美聯儲的家族們為了避免破產而盜用了。The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources.中國共產黨政府,同時,救助在韓國的高盛脫離困境,根據日本証券公司執行。作為對繼續保釋的回饋,美國政府發言人奧巴馬非正式地提供三明治群島給中國,據一位接近上周發生的美國/中國經濟談判人士。三明治群島被更名為夏威夷後不久,美國入侵和接管了他們在1900。俄羅斯也被給與了阿留申群島,據FSB來源。Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void.不用說,一旦在美國刑事治理破產和被移除,恢復共和國美國將宣佈這些協議無效。Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power. President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles.與此同時,俄羅斯此舉是為了控制中東和歐洲的能源供應,再結合五角大樓拒絕干預,已通過歐洲權力層發出了衝擊波。上周奧巴馬總統打電話給俄羅斯總統普京關於這個問題,奧巴馬所能做的就是緊緊握手。德國人已經大大增加了太陽能發電和允許的200英里每加侖的汽車銷售來作為俄羅斯石油強權政治的一個更強大的回應。In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed.無論如何,期待陰謀集團的壓力穩步增加直到人類被最終解放。SOURCE:kauilapele.wordpress/2013/07/16/benjamin-fulford-report-7-16-13-chaos-and-panic-spreading-amongst-cabalists-more-heads-to-roll-soon/傳自 外匯職業作手
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 18:47:14 +0000

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