Tuesday July 29ths vibration (29+7+2+0+1+4) = 43/7. The - TopicsExpress


Tuesday July 29ths vibration (29+7+2+0+1+4) = 43/7. The reflective, meditative energy of the 7 is the major influence today. 43/7 is a receptive, philosophical and thoughtful vibration. Pursuing new directions is not on the agenda for today, rather, it is a time for stillness, silence and healing, particularly self-healing. The word SUBCONSCIOUS adds up to 43. Sometimes the rational mind gets frustrated when it seems the way forward is blocked. The subconscious mind has no direction because it is timeless and infinite. Tap into this inner source of yourself today and your awareness of who you really are and what your purpose is will make itself clear. Once you tap into your subconscious and make that connection with the divine self you will access a very potent healing vibration which can be very profound for you and others who will feel drawn to receive healing from you. You are capable of balancing energy fields while under this vibration, and with very clear and tangible effects and benefits. There is a determination to achieve goals but these are inner goals; if you push for material things to happen when this vibration is active, you may end up feeling frustrated. Clarity is the key theme with the 43/7 vibe, and we know that for a lake to have a clear, mirror-like surface, the waters need to be still. So, find ways to clear and still your mind today, if you can arrange to go on a retreat, or just get away to somewhere silent and remote for a while, you will find it extremely conducive to your self-development and deep insights will naturally come to the surface. The 7thcard of the Tarot is The Chariot. The Chariot is our Light-body vehicle, or the Mer-ka-ba as it was known in the Egyptian Mystery Schools. We have 7 energy bodies in the fully-evolved human energy form. The Charioteer is a warrior going into battle, and it is the battle for the balance of the mind he needs to harness and claim victory over. We see him maintaining control over two sphinxes, opposites, black and white, left-brain/right-brain. However, in the image on the card, it is important to notice that the Charioteer has no reins. He is mentally controlling two sphinxes, the polar aspects of the mind, to draw the chariot along. This of course points to the strength and the power of the mind and how by directing one’s intent, one directs one’s life and experience of it. The Chariot is a rapidly moving vehicle, and when this card and vibration appears, you need to ask: are you being whisked along fearfully, at the mercy of your egos, or are you making rapid progress in identifying what parts of you are making the choices in your life? With 7, we have the polarity of Faith or Fear. Total faith in the divine self and where it will direct us, or fear of the ego-driven mind and all the harmful places that can take us. When 7 appears It is time to take control of your mind, time for you to take the driving seat. 7 says “Have Faith. Do NOT worry!” Let go of the reigns and the whip-cracking egos that compel us to go this way and that without any true direction. Those 7 rays of divine energy are within you, you just need to be receptive to them, so give yourself time for reflection today. Once you gain access to this potential clarity of the crystal mind, you will feel like celebrating! The 43rd card in the Tarot is the 3 of cups, and this is the card of abundance, celebration and rejoicing. Three women are seen raising their glasses to each other celebrating the harvest of their hard work and dedication. They have reaped the rewards of all their past efforts. The scene here is like the celebration of the harvest festival, the work has been done, and now its time to let your hair down!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:03:32 +0000

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