Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Turn the other cheek always. Never hold - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Turn the other cheek always. Never hold anger. Hi This is about hurt and pain, from the past. I thought it was good. I hope everyone is having a very lovely evening! Take care! Love, Denise. Ascended Master Mother Mary, through Kim Michaels from askrealjesus. FULL version found here; ascendedmasterlight/ascended-master-light/date/21-2006/145-when-your-forgiveness-is-unconditional-your-joy-will-be-full TOPIC: The master key to rising above the suffering of the past is not to seek control – as the ego does – but to let go and forgive unconditionally. Mother Mary, November 26, 2006 Perpetual forgiveness My beloved, I know that once you have become caught in this downward spiral of hurt and pain, it can seem as if there is no way out. But my beloved, I have indeed risen over the human condition and so have many other ascended Beings. And thus, I must tell you that most people on Earth are caught in an illusion. But the reality proven by so many ascended beings is that you can indeed rise above the downward spirals from the past. But you can do so not by transforming the past, not by controlling the past or controlling other people. You can do so only by transforming the way you look at the past, so you are willing to let go of the belief that you have been holding on to up until now. Do you see, my beloved, that it is not a matter of finding some magic wand that can set you free from the past? The magic wand is your conscious awareness and your willingness to simply let go, to let go of the pain, to let go of the hurt, to let go of the belief that you need to respond to certain situations in a negative way, to let go of the entire tendency to think that in certain situations you can only respond with negative feelings. You see, my beloved, once you truly enter into the spirit of forgiveness – and allow the spirit of forgiveness to enter into your lower being – well then you will be in a state of perpetual forgiveness, so that you have already forgiven yourself and other people before they have done anything to you. And thus, when they do something to you – for truly you cannot control the actions of others – well then they are already forgiven. And when you know that they are already forgiven, you also know that you can then stay free of any negative reaction, no matter what other people do to you. And thereby, my beloved, you can follow the most profound advice given by Jesus, namely that you resist not evil, but when a person smites you on one cheek, you will turn to him the other also. My beloved, turning the other cheek can be done only when you are in a state of perpetual and unconditional forgiveness. And so, when some person does something to you, you do not go into a negative reaction. You stay in peace. You stay in love. You stay in forgiveness. And thus, you simply turn the other cheek so that you can give the other person another opportunity to see his or her own evil, his or her own imperfections. Helping others see their illusions For my beloved, what happens when a person hurts you and you respond negatively and seek to hurt the other person? Well, my beloved, do you not validate the other person’s belief that you are a bad person? And was it not such a belief that in most cases caused other people to hurt you in the first place, namely that they believe you have done something wrong and you deserve to be punished or hurt. And so, when you allow yourself to be hurt and respond back by trying to hurt them or defend yourself, then you only reinforce the other person’s belief. And you not only reinforce the belief in the mind of the other person, but you reinforce it in your own mind. For after all, it was only because you have an imperfect belief about yourself that you allowed the other person’s actions to hurt you. And so, my beloved, when you turn the other cheek, you break the spiral. When you respond with love when someone else hurts you, you are challenging the other person’s belief that you are a bad person or that you deserve to be punished. You are showing the other person that you are a person who can respond with love. And thereby, the other person is forced to reconsider his or her own actions and his or her own image of you. And this can often help people step out of their own illusions, so that they see that they are trapped in imperfect beliefs about themselves and about life. And thus, they receive an opportunity to overcome those beliefs. Yes, my beloved, I know full well that there are persons with whom you can turn the other cheek and they will hurt you again. But you see, my beloved, when you turn the other cheek in perfect love and forgiveness – in unconditional forgiveness – and another person still hurts you, then that second act of hurting you becomes the person’s judgment. And that judgment will release a reaction from life itself that will cause that person to experience such an accelerated return of what it is sending into the cosmic mirror. And that accelerated return will either cause the person to wake up or will ultimately cause the person to be judged to the point where the person will not be allowed to reincarnate on Earth until it has changed its consciousness. And thus, you see, my beloved, what Jesus was really saying was that if people would adopt his advice of turning the other cheek and not resisting evil, then they would allow the law of God to work in full measure. And by doing this, the law of God will actually be able to remove evil from the Earth at an accelerated rate. For you see, my beloved, when you allow other people to hurt you while you are turning the other cheek, well then God can step in and remove those people from the Earth. And thereby, you will quickly have a situation where the most evil people – the most selfish self-centered, egotistical people – will be removed from the Earth. And therefore, humankind as a whole will simply rise up to a higher level and overcome certain states of consciousness that you today see outplayed over and over again in a seemingly endless spiral of people hurting each other and seeking revenge for hurt—thereby creating a new hurt that gives the other people an excuse for seeking revenge. Breaking the cycle of revenge My beloved, can you not see that this has been going on over and over again on this planet, especially in the Middle East, where the cycle of revenge and revenge for revenge goes on and on. And thus, can you not see that this downward spiral will not be broken until someone decides that they have had enough. They will not perpetuate the cycle, and therefore they will do something completely different instead of responding to hurt with pain and revenge and a desire to punish. They will respond with love and unconditional forgiveness. Ah my beloved, can you also see that by doing this, you will set yourself free from any ties to the people who have hurt you? And my beloved, when you think about it, does it make any sense whatsoever that when a person has hurt you, you will want to keep yourself tied to that person? My beloved, unless you are a masochist – which I trust most of you are not – why would you want to come back and invite another person to hurt you again? You see, my beloved, if someone hurts you, your logical response should be that you simply want to be free of that person and never encounter them again. But you see, if you go into the cycle of being hurt and wanting the other person to be punished, you tie yourself to that person. For my beloved, the very desire to punish another person means that you are not willing to turn away from that person until you have seen the other person be punished. And so, therefore, you will automatically keep yourself tied to that person until you feel that the person has been punished sufficiently. And my beloved, that might not happen in this lifetime or even in many lifetimes. And this is indeed how people in the Middle East have created these ties with each other, so that the same souls keep reincarnating over and over again. And my beloved, I have told you before that it is not a matter of the outer race or religion, for people will switch places so that many of the people who are now incarnated as Jews were in their past lives incarnated as Germans who perpetrated the Holocaust or as Arabs who persecuted the Jews. And many of the people who are now Arabs were in past lives Jews. And so you see, my beloved, it is these people’s unwillingness to forgive unconditionally that keeps them repeating these cycles. For there is indeed an entire consciousness in the Arab world that believes that Jews cannot be forgiven. And there is a consciousness in the Jewish community that believes that Arabs or Germans or Christians cannot be forgiven. And so you see, my beloved, when a person is born into a certain culture, the challenge for that person is to rise above the cultural belief and to forgive unconditionally, to forgive regardless of the cultural belief. For the person must realize that he or she is more than the cultural belief, more than race, more than religion, more than political affiliation, more than national affiliation or any other outer label. And thus, when you forgive regardless of outer labels, you also set yourself free from these labels. And that is how you can rise and transcend yourself and rejoin the River of Life, whereby you experience that bliss of constant self-transcendence. ascendedmasterlight/ascended-master-light/date/21-2006/145-when-your-forgiveness-is-unconditional-your-joy-will-be-full
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 22:17:57 +0000

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