Tuesday, June 24, 2014 by Spalding In the DiMera garden, Abigail - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, June 24, 2014 by Spalding In the DiMera garden, Abigail stood on a ladder to take measurements in a tree, when E.J. rounded the corner and called out to her. Startled, Abigail fell off of the ladder and into E.J.s arms. Abigail and E.J. stared at one another, and E.J. quickly set Abigail on the ground. Abigail backed away and commented, I cant be here. Abigail rushed into the house with E.J. in pursuit. As Abigail entered the living room, she stopped at the sight of Will, Sonny, and Arianna. Upset, Abigail walked out of the house. Worried, Will chased after her and stopped her on the porch. When Will asked Abigail why she was stressed, Abigail explained that Sami had made her the maid of honor. Its just so wrong, Abigail muttered. When Will disagreed, Abigail said, You dont know. Concerned, Will soothed Abigail and assured her that everything would be fine. Will offered his assistance in planning the wedding, and Abigail reluctantly agreed. After Abigail left for home, Will rejoined Sonny, E.J., and Arianna in the living room. Will noted that Abigail was stressed, which was odd because Abigail was very organized and calm under pressure. Will added that Abigail had said she did not feel like a friend or worthy to be Samis maid of honor, E.J. nodded. Will said that he had calmed Abigail down. E.J. thanked Will for his help. Changing the subject, E.J. asked Will if he would be his best man at the wedding. When Will asked about Chad, E.J. explained that although he had asked Chad and Chad could not attend the wedding, that E.J. truly wanted Will to be his best man. Will gladly accepted the offer. I think for the first time Samantha and me may have a gunfire free wedding, E.J. said brightly. When Will asked E.J. if he was nervous, E.J. responded that he was only nervous that he would not remember every detail of his wedding to Sami. Eight years, William. Ive been in love with you mother eight wonderful years. And you know over that time there have been people that have had their doubts and maybe some of them still do, E.J. said. Will said that he had no doubts and that he would be honored to be E.J.s best man. In the park by the bench, Kate and Sami met to talk. Kate was worried that Sami would tip off E.J. and Abigail to the plan, but Sami assured Kate that she had kept the secret hidden. Smirking, Sami informed Kate that she had coerced Abigail into planning the wedding and acting as Samis maid of honor. Kate chuckled and told Sami that she was pleased to see that Sami had grown smarter about exacting revenge. When Sami asked Kate if Stefano was aware that Victor had fired Kate, Kate nodded and assured Sami that she had not told Stefano but that he was aware that Victor had fired her for spilling company secrets to Sami. Sami urged Kate to play it cool with Stefano so that he would not return to town. With a smile, Kate said that she had informed Stefano that she would not return to the DiMera mansion until Sami was gone. Sami rolled her eyes and then asked Kate to hold off on her plans to destroy Jordan. Kate countered that she was not attacking Jordan and had actually encouraged Jordan to fight for Rafe. Suspicious, Sami wondered aloud why Kate was encouraging Jordan to fight for Rafe. With a shrug, Kate explained that she wanted to be out of the line of fire when Rafe pushed Jordan away for his own reasons. Confused, Sami said that she liked Jordan and that she was pleased that Rafe was in love. Maybe not, Kate said as she thought about her steamy night with Rafe. Kate asked Sami if she was interested in Rafe now that Sami was dumping E.J. Sami denied the accusation. Sami stressed that she would marry E.J. to get what she needed and then throw him away. Kate worried aloud that Sami was still in love with E.J. Shaking her head no, Sami denied the charge. Sami stressed that her partnership with Kate was a one time thing in order to set them both up for life. Kate and Sami shook hands and agreed not to meet again until after the wedding. Sami returned to the DiMera mansion and was excited to see Will and Arianna waiting for her. Sami cooed over her granddaughter. Will pleaded with Sami to ease up on Abigail, but Sami said that Abigail was fine. In Paiges apartment, Eve was surprised to hear that J.J.s last name was Deveraux. When Eve asked Paige if J.J. was Jack and Jennifers son, an excited Paige asked her mother if she was friends with Jennifer. Eve said that she had been friendly with Jennifer and that they had attended the same high school. Paige asked Eve if she knew that Jack had died, and Eve nodded solemnly. Do you not like the Deverauxs? Paige asked. Eve said that she had wanted to contact Jennifer now that she was back in Salem and that dinner was as good a time as any. When Eve asked Paige how Jennifer was doing since Jacks death, Paige said that Jennifer appeared to be fine. Paige showed Eve Jacks book, and Eve admitted that she was aware of the book. Stunned, Paige excitedly said that she needed to text J.J., but Eve asked her not to say anything. Eve noted that Jack had been charming, witty, and a good father but that Jack had also had a dark side. Eve expressed her concern that J.J. might take after his father. Upset, Paige asked her mother not to hold Jacks past against his son. Eve agreed and noted that she was excited to surprise Jennifer at dinner. In the Horton living room, Jennifer asked J.J. about Paiges mom. J.J. thought about his brief meeting with Eve, and he was at a loss for words to explain the meeting to Jennifer. Jennifer told J.J. that he was right to be nervous around his girlfriends mother and that he should not worry. Jennifer promised that she and Abigail would make the dinner a success. Grateful, J.J. thanked Jennifer for helping him while she was going through her issues with Daniel. Abigail returned home and explained that she had to skip dinner in order to head to the square to buy a dress. Seeing the look of confusion on her mother and brothers faces, Abigail informed them that she was planning Samis wedding and acting as the maid of honor. When Jennifer asked about Samis sisters, Abigail explained that Samis sisters were not available and not interested in attending a DiMera wedding. Abigail added that Marlena did not plan to attend the ceremony either. When Jennifer asked Abigail if she was sure that she wanted to help Sami, Abigail said, I owe her. Jennifer was confused, and Abigail lied that she owed Sami because she had promised Sami that she would help plan the wedding. Jennifer went to the kitchen to attend to dinner, and J.J. fumed that E.J. would stand by and watch Abigail take part in the wedding. Shocked, Abigail asked J.J. how he had found out. J.J. noted that it was obvious that Abigail was upset about Chad. Relieved that her secret was safe, Abigail nodded in agreement. Abigail assured her brother that she was over Chad and that the most recent guy she had dated was out of the picture. J.J. growled that the next guy that hurt Abigail would answer to him. After J.J. went upstairs to change clothes, Jennifer returned to the living room and told Abigail how proud she was that she was keeping her promise to Sami. As Jennifer raved about Abigails selflessness, a guilt-ridden Abigail said that she was anything but selfless. After Abigail left, Paige arrived at the house with her mother. Paige ran inside to warn J.J. that their mothers had attended high school together, but before Paige could say a word, Eve rang the doorbell. Jennifer opened the door and her mouth fell open as she saw Eve standing on her front porch. In the town square, Abigail stopped to check her phone when E.J. casually walked up beside her and whispered that she should follow him. E.J. walked to the park and Abigail followed. Alone, E.J. hissed, What happened at the house earlier can never happen again. Do you understand that? In the square, Rafe talked on the phone to his F.B.I. friend, Matt, about obtaining information regarding Gabis prison. When Rafe hung up the phone, he turned to see Jordan walking toward him. Jordan asked to talk. Rafe agreed and escorted her to the clearing in the park. When Rafe asked Jordan if she was aware of what had happened with Gabi, Jordan responded that Gabi had been cornered in a bad situation. Rafe explained that Gabis problem was that she had refused to tell Rafe what was happening and he had failed to push his sister to open up. Rafe said that he had failed his sisters and that he did not want to fail Jordan. I dont need you to protect me, Jordan said defensively. Rafe reminded Jordan that she refused to acknowledge to anyone that Ben was her brother, which was abnormal behavior. Rafe pushed Jordan to tell him her secret, but Jordan refused stating that it was better if Rafe remained in the dark. Annoyed, Rafe vehemently disagreed and argued that if he did not know what to look for that he might miss the warning signs to protect her. Rafe added that his sisters had believed that they were helping him when they had kept their secrets and it had not worked. With a sigh, Rafe explained that he had seen how on edge Jordan was as if she was waiting for something bad to happen. Jordan assured Rafe that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her and that she did not want to mess up their relationship. As Jordan struggled with the decision to tell Rafe the truth, Kate appeared in opening of a nearby hedge and eavesdropped on the conversation. I cant, Jordan said. Then neither can I, Rafe responded.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:58:01 +0000

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