Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Being led by good intentions - (The Errors - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Being led by good intentions - (The Errors of Church And State) Open Letter to the Citizens of Gloucester County Virginia “For the Common Good. “ As we approach Independence Day I want to look at our history. During the 1700s the Christian Clergy in these colonies were the leaders of independence movement. They preached the Bible. For those weak on history look it up but you do not have to go any further than our Declaration of Independence and US and Virginia Constitutions to see how our Christian Clergy influenced our founding fathers. This is to the Clergy and other leaders in our local churches your good intentions are leading us where all good intentions lead us. You have become comfortable with your belongings and have forgotten why you are here. Do they still teach about Sodom and Gomorrah? It is clear in the Bible when you fail to lead/shepherd the people it will be the end of times. Is that what you are planning to be failures as shepherds to hasten the return GOD through his son, Jesus back to earth? Prove me wrong! Our moral compass is broken and it requires your leadership, not your doing what is easy and politically correct to get us back where we belong. You need to worship your loving Father, not a man and not money, and the comfortable life you have. To be a shepherd/fisher of men is not for the faint at heart. If you are comfortable with the way it is remember you will have to stand before the Father and explain your inactions? Paul died for his beliefs are you willing to be uncomfortable for yours. People of Gloucester, tell the leaders of your church they need to be our moral compass to return us to being right with GOD to restore the greatness of our commonwealth and nation. Copy this into an email and send it to them. “For the Common Good. “ Sincerely, Alexander James Jay
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 22:32:17 +0000

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