Tuesday Night Talk - Tala Mai.... this guy has caught his Aunty - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Night Talk - Tala Mai.... this guy has caught his Aunty doing the dodgy on Facebook.... he wants your advice. Dear NIU, I was listening in last week about the email about the fake profile that those school boys used and hurt that new girls feelings. As sad as it was, their youth is a lot to blame and hopefully they grow up and have learnt something. My situation is the opposite. My married Aunt (my mums younger sister) is online under a fake name and acting single. Yes. Tragic I know. My cousins are younger than me by around 10 years. Im 24 and the oldest is 15. My Uncle is a good man. He works hard and treats her well. They do the go to church thing and all of that, and from the outside it would appear nothing is wrong. I found this out through a mutual mate of mine. He doesnt use his real details on FB cause he believes its too personal (and Im sure he likes to meet older ladies too... but each to their own). Anyway, he started chatting with her and I was absolutely shocked by the nature of some of the messages they shared. So not only is my Aunt single she only has one 5 year old son (not even) instead of the 3 teenage kids she really has and that her husband died in a plane crash. (the only plane my Uncles been on was the one from the Islands to here). Theres a lot worse but I dont need to post it up here if you know what I mean. So I really wanna hit up my Aunt and ask her what the hell she thinks she is doing but I still feel like its out of place for me to say. She is known as vindictive and sly (well to some of us) and Im a little worried about what will happen if I do. But Im so hurt for my cousins and Uncles sake..... man! Im torn! What would you do? Please, be serious about it. I hate knowing this and want it over with. Signed, Neph who knows too much. Post up your advice for this bro here (be sensible please, we will not accept rude or inappropriate posts) or email it to niunites@niufm, TEXT your say to 3123, put the word NITES in first or call the studio on 0800 223 103. Live discussion will be after 9 PM. Thanks :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:02:59 +0000

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