Tuesday, November 18: As our time at Baylor Our Childrens’ House - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, November 18: As our time at Baylor Our Childrens’ House comes to an end tomorrow, I have thought on just how far we have come which is a whole post in itself. But I consider all the amazing people that God has brought into our lives while in this place. Before we came to Baylor I prayed a lot about the right place, the right people. I wanted God to pick them, because I knew he would choose the best. I have so many remembrances of people who have ministered to us in the name of the Lord. I cannot begin to write them all down on this one night. I just wanted to share with you a couple of things that to me just show how God works all things for good for those who love the Lord. When we checked into this hospital I was assigned a nurse named Chelsea. She was precious and sweet to us that first day and made the transition easy. She knew we were coming to her facility because he husband, a calf roper asked if Dane had arrived. He knew before she did through the rodeo community. Small world, right? Well, as time goes by we have Chelsea assigned to us several times and we talk about roping and rodeo as we share that common bond. One day we get a package in the mail and it is a poster that the kids from the West Texas Rodeo Association made for Dane. Chelsea was in the room when we received it. We hung it on the wall. So that day, Chelsea leaves early to travel to a roping in a town near our hometown. Diran gives her directions and she gets there, pulls up and parks at their trailer. She talks with the woman at the trailer next to her. Through small talk the lady, Dorley, finds out she is a nurse at our hospital. She asks her if she knows Dane and did they get a package from West Texas Rodeo Association??!!! She was at the roping when Dane was injured. She had sent it, and Chelsea was there when we got it. (Chelsea did not break HIPPA law – don’t worry! Dorley figured it out)They talk, take a picture and go to the roping. 4 days later, two men come to see us. One man’s name is Carter Edmonson, a cowboy and pastor. He had received a call from Dorley the day of the accident and asked for prayer. He has been praying since that day. A man who himself has a powerful testimony, came to pray over my sweet child because he learned of him through Dorley, who I had never met. He had a picture of Dorley with our nurse, Chelsea – and asked me if I knew her – she was our nurse that day. So he met her – we ALL prayed over Dane together – I could feel the presence of the Lord. God orchestrated the whole thing. Carter came from hours away to minister to this little cowboy. I am amazed at his wording as he speaks to and over Dane – he called him a Mighty man of God. That is exactly what we have always prayed over our sons – that God would make them into mighty men of God. When Dane’s accident happened- it struck me about what I had prayed. I questioned myself – what did I ask for?? But as Carter spoke those words – I saw God’s plan – I saw that He was becoming that mighty man of God. Not because I prayed that – but because that was God’s plan. EVERY nurse and aide we ever had was wonderful. Chelsea and I are now friends and someday I know we will be at a rodeo together. I think about so many that were in our lives for a brief time – like Dawn and Sarah our charge nurses – making sure we were taken care of emotionally as well as physically. And Celi – our night nurse who never made a sound so we would sleep. Really we never had a nurse or tech we did not love. For each one of them, it was not a job – it was ministry. I am forever grateful. I have so much to say about our therapy team but I will devote a post to them entirely. But my thought for tonight is that God brought us to this place and these people so that HE could use them to bring about His healing of my son. He blessed us with new friendships and God showed Himself not only to us, but to those who were involved in Dane’s care. So I stand in a humbled place, with a heart of big gratitiude. I was thankful that each person that came into our lives there were invested in Dane’s recovery. I am now more thankful that we have come to the place where we do not need their care. And I will remain thankful for the friendships the Lord has blessed us with through this journey. I know that He has a plan, that He will continue to bless those friendships and use them for His glory. “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 Glory to God….Sunday’s coming………
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:35:00 +0000

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