Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Wow, I just did a double-take when I - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, October 14, 2014 Wow, I just did a double-take when I wrote the date. Is October really half gone? Does this mean that I must put away my flip-flops? Yesterday Richmond and I spent the day together. We had lunch at Cracker Barrel because he loves their biscuits. I reminded him of the time a few years ago that we all had gone to a beach wedding and decided to have breakfast together before he went back to ECU and we headed home. He must have eaten half a dozen biscuits! When I told him that, he asked if Papa had had to pay extra for them. Some things even a severe brain injury doesnt change. Richmond has always been cost-conscious. After lunch we went to his surgeons office to have his staples removed. I was queasy just thinking about it, but he was as cool as a cucumber. We had to wait awhile because the office was packed, so we chatted and looked at pictures on my phone. There were some old ones of Mila playing soccer that he had taken before April 5th. There was even a video that he had shot in which you could hear him laugh. He laughed again as we watched it. His laugh is the same. Even his TBI has not taken away that laugh. When the CMA called his name, I think that I jumped three feet! My fear was getting the best of me. Dr. Botero, the best Nuero guy in the world, in my humble opinion, came into the exam room to check out his handiwork and smiled, obviously pleased that Richmond was healing so well. Noticing my fear, Dr. B asked me if Id like to wait outside. Yes! Of course, ten minutes later I couldnt stand it and went back into the room. Richmond was sitting quietly while Mr. Perez, the CMA, using needle-nose pliers, was pulling the staples out of his head. Every now and again Richmond would wince because either hair or skin or both had grown over the staples. I took Richmonds hand and held it tight reminding him of the dozens of times that I had done the same thing when he was a little boy. Back then he would squeeze my hand until I thought that my fingers would break! Yesterday he let me hold his hand because he knew how much I wanted to, not because he needed to do so. After what seemed like an eternity, all the staples were removed from Richmonds head and stomach. Both spots are tender, but so far, there is no sign of infection. All good. Note to self; buy stock in staples and surgical glue. There were about sixty staples in his head and ten to fourteen in his stomach. Our next trip was to pick Mila up at school. As usual I was the one who couldnt quite remember the right route to take. Richmond said that he might not remember, so he asked Luana to text the directions. It turns out that we really didnt need the text, because Richmond knew the way. He remembered! The funniest thing happened before the text. I decided that I would ask Seri how to get there, but she told me that the school was not one of my favorite hits. She suggested Rag Doll by the Four Seasons. She must have been drinking. Mila was delighted to see us and hugged her daddy and me. Her teacher presented us with a pan of manicotti and a big loaf of French bread for dinner. That sweet little kindergarten class mamas have been sending three meals a week! Is that great or what? Luana is so thankful! All in all it was a great day. Isnt the case when you can spend some time with your children? Over lunch, Richmond told me again how guilty he feels about taking up so much of our time . I told him again for the umteenth time that he need not feel guilty at all because being with him and watching the miracle unfold is a gift that keeps on giving. Yes, it is hard and tiring but worth the effort. I asked Richmond if there was anything that he wanted from his father and me and he said yes he wanted us to live a really long time. Youve gotta love a son who says that! We continue to pray for a complete recovery for Richmond. Please, my prayer angels, do the same. Peace Amen! Hillstrong!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:39:53 +0000

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