Tuesday October 28ths vibration (28+10+2+0+1+4) = 45/9. 9 is the - TopicsExpress


Tuesday October 28ths vibration (28+10+2+0+1+4) = 45/9. 9 is the final single digit in the root essence family, so it naturally completes cycles of experience. But it also initiates new cycles, because after 9 comes 10, & a whole new cycle of experience begins. 9s energy encourages us to let go of the old and embrace the new. Sometimes the letting-go process can be painful, but the energy of the 9 naturally cuts away dead wood for you, ending situations that no longer facilitate your growth. The cycles that 9’s energy generate evolve us continually to the light and expansion of Unconditional Love. Gratitude is the fuel that drives this evolutionary spiral. This is the secret that the Hermit (card 9 in the Tarot), has spent many lifetimes discovering, and the one that must now be shared today. 9 is all about reflecting the inner light of your wisdom to the outside world, and the Hermit card illustrates this theme perfectly. The Hermit is standing on top of a mountain, holding out a lamp of reflected ageless wisdom to the rest of humanity. S/he has attained, and evolved through the cycles of growth that 9 completes. The Hermit has detached from the pettiness and density of the material plane by focusing on the task and goals s/he has set and by looking at all obstacles as opportunities for growth, experience, and ultimately wisdom. The key symbolism of the Hermit is the “Lamp of Hermes” that s/he holds out. If you look closely, you will notice that the symbol of 9 is actually a lamp with a handle, a container of light that enlightens and illuminates darkness and ignorance. The Hermit knows that knowledge is worthless and meaningless if it is isn’t shared. True wisdom, and true fulfillment is achieved by giving out and reflecting your knowledge, and watching it enlighten others. We also have both 4 and 5 here with 45/9, and in a lot of ways, 4 and 5 are opposites, but when balanced, they can really bring out the best in each other. 4 governs the laws of manifestation, while 5 governs the regenerative ability of manifested forms. With 4 and 5 working together today you can be excellent at manifesting your ideas, and using them to transform peoples’ perceptions. Fruitful productivity is likely when the correct balance between 4 and 5 is achieved. The 45th card in the Tarot, is the 5 of Cups. This card shows a figure looking dismayed at 3 cups that have been knocked over & their contents spilled. There is a sense here of brooding over the past. What he fails to notice is the two full cups to his side. So the message here is simply, don’t cry over spilt milk! 45/9 is clearly saying don’t waste your energy on regret, understand that all experience gives us an opportunity to overcome future challenges. This feeling of regret from the past may be prompted by an old friend showing up, or an old situation you felt you had finished, resurfacing. You may receive some news that makes you feel nostalgic but melancholy. Letting go of old ghosts are likely themes you may deal with today. As long as you can overcome these regrets about so-called “mistakes” that you’ve made, you can focus on the future with hope, faith and enthusiasm. Go Well everyone! Rosalind Pape. Visit the PERSONAL MANDALAS page daily to read the daily date vibration reports! Daily vibe/mandala/tarot posts by Rosalind Pape @ https://facebook/PersonalMandalas blueprint4creation https://facebook/PersonalMandalas/photos/a.359505084086121.74895.145451122158186/743811088988850/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:00:20 +0000

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