Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Tube and bus. Two modes of - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Tube and bus. Two modes of transportation. Two experiences of honesty worthy of praise. “Would you ride with me on the tube?” she asked ever so nicely. We were staying with her family during the time we were in England by way of ‘hitch-hiking’ long years ago. Her name was Teresa, the daughter of the Gordon family, and she said she wanted to tell her friends she had had a ‘date’ with an American. She was sixteen or seventeen, and I was twenty-one. “What’s the tube?” I asked her. “Oh,” she laughed, “I believe you call it the ‘underground,’ or Metro, something of that sort.” Her family approved, and we had an hour ‘Tubing.’ Later, (there were three of us, Lacy, John and myself—they stayed with a different family) when we had left our overnight families, we were on the ‘Tube’ heading for another part of London. We had an expensive movie camera that friends at home had lent Lacy. In those days, such cameras were big and heavy—and expensive. Please don’t ask me how it happened, but we got involved in some vigorous conversation with some Brits aboard the train and forgot the camera on board. We were terribly upset. Especially Lacy, since it was he who took responsibility for the loan. When we stopped at our destination, Lacy found an official in uniform and shared our loss with him. “I think you shouldn’t worry about that sir,” he said ever so nicely, “if you will check with this department tomorrow, I’m quite sure you’ll have your camera again.” He then gave us a card and pointed out that one of the numbers on it was what we call the ‘Lost and Found’ department. “But that’s an expensive piece of equipment, “ John said to the official, “and we simply left it on the Subway—I mean Tube.” The official looked at him with an ‘I don’t think you know where you are just now’ look, and added, “Sir, you are in England. Your camera will be properly returned.” And it was. Tagged, and returned upon our description of size, shape, and the name of the unit. “You’re in England.” Honesty then was assumed, practiced, and expected. I pray it’s still that way there. Those of you kind enough to visit with us here know that Anthony, our son, and I just returned from a really good cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. While on a bus tour at St. Martin’s island (a French and Dutch providence) we had opportunity to learn much of the history of the small (32 or so square miles) island. As a result of my radiation, I have to avoid direct sun to my head and neck for a while, and se we use an ‘Ace’ bandage, and a cap that has a back flap that covers all the back of the wearer’s neck. When we returned to the ship, we decided to walk for thirty minutes or so, and looked for the cap, as the sun was bright. It was nowhere to be found. We turned our tiny cabin upside down—no cap. Just before leaving the ship we stopped by Guest Services to ask some questions, and mentioned the cap. “Let me check” the nice attendant said. She went through some doors, came out with a box, and in the box was the hat! “It was left on the bus on which you took your tour,” she said. “The driver found it between a seat and window neatly folded, drove thirteen miles from his base stand in order to return it to whomever owned it.” Do you provide some reward for such services?” I wondered. “Oh no,” she answered, “We have those who often go out of their way to do such things.” We took the cap, thanked her, and left the ship with thanks and hope working. There are still many in many places who hold honesty and the good of others in high esteem, but even more—who go out of their way to affirm what they believe. England a long time ago, and St. Martin’s only recently-- reminded me that to ‘love mercy, walk humbly, and do justly’ (Micah 6:8) includes the practice of radical honesty. In our day and time, such practice becomes strong witness for good. Today or soon, we might return something of value that would bless those who lost it, and put a little hope in human hearts again. Always love, always, Keith
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:54:20 +0000

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