Tuesday Tidbit from Asst. Chief Magdich... As hard as it is for - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Tidbit from Asst. Chief Magdich... As hard as it is for me to believe it is November, we are entering the holiday season with Thanksgiving looming close at hand and Christmas is on deck. This past week, we celebrated Halloween on a cold rainy windy night. Thank you for your cautiousness, as no significant incidents were reported. There was a sparse turnout compared to the norm, but there were still plenty of kids with a lot of smiles to go around. I even have to give props to the older trick-or-treaters, since all those that came to my door made some attempt at having a costume. So, another Tuesday is upon us, so it is Tidbit time, but far more important than that, it is also election day. Now 13% of people who were registered, but did not vote, claimed that they failed to vote due to a lack of time. So, if it’s read the Tidbit or go vote, PLEASE, go vote. When the topic of politics comes up, I am never left with the impression that those I am around are without an opinion. People generally, I said generally, feel strongly one way or another and often can back up their sentiment with some nugget that they have picked up from somewhere. It is more and more difficult to find a truly objective report on topics and/or candidates making it even more difficult to make a well educated decision. This is particularly true in state wide and/or national elections. Real information is generally available in local elections if you care enough to do the research. What I find truly amazing, is the number of individuals that are eligible to vote that don’t even bother to register. One statistic that I saw relative to the 2012 presidential election showed that 60 million eligible voters didn’t bother to register. Of the registered voters, 14 million of them failed to vote. 17.5% of those people stated that they did not vote, because they were just too busy. Really? Does that make it a government of the people that have time, for the people that have time, by the people that have time. The most disturbing statistic was that over 13% of those that did not vote, stated that is was simply because they were not interested. We have had the spotlight on the Ebola virus lately, but in my opinion, Apathy is the disease that is becoming an epidemic and truly threatens the well being of his nation. Apathy about the election, the officials that we choose to govern us, and the issues that affect our financial and physical well being is scary. The voting booth is the expression of the will of the people. By not exercising this right, you are saying that whatever the rest of you decide is just fine with me. The problem with that is that the rest of us are focusing on life trials that may be vastly different than those you are facing and, getting our way, may actually make your situation more difficult. Many that will vote, along with those that will not, may feel that their contribution just won’t matter and, I would be lying, if I said that I haven’t felt that way as well. One thing is for certain, there is absolutely no way for your opinion to matter if you decide not to express it. So, go vote! No topic, position, or issue is too unimportant for you. If you have young kids, take them with you to ingrain in them the importance of what you are doing. Remember, you are their heroes and their greatest role models. When it’s all said and done, there may be very little that you supported come to fruition, but whatever the outcome, you had a hand in shaping it. If you do nothing, you give up your right to be critical. I believe that it is always better to potentially be part of the solution than to assuredly be part of the problem. Go vote and have a great week!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:54:36 +0000

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