Tuesday Tidbit from Asst. Chief Magdich.... Well folks another - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Tidbit from Asst. Chief Magdich.... Well folks another summer has come and gone. The kids are back in school and the German American Festival has come and gone as well. I don’t know about you, but I am not thrilled at the prospects of another winter like last year’s, but Farmer’s Almanac is not painting a cheery picture. Well enough with depression, let’s talk about a few positive issues. School is back in session in Oregon and so far so good. For the last few years, the Police Division has helped the Oregon Board of Education by sponsoring a motivational speaker who talks to the incoming freshmen. Rick Metzger is a multi award winning power lifter who talks to the kids about attitude, encouragement, bullying, and self responsibility. He is fast paced and very energetic and gets all of the kids involved. His message is inspirational and emphasizes that each of us can achieve great things with commitment, hard work and a positive attitude. I have listened to his speech each year that he has been out to Clay and he never fails to engage his young audience. I enjoy his message, but that’s just me. If you have a high school student, all of them have heard Mr. Metzger, ask them what they thought of his presentation. Thank you for your support for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Apparently, you enjoy watching members of the police division get buckets of water with chunks of ice in it dropped on our heads. I keep waiting for the videos of the challenge being accepted by those that I challenged, but apparently they have a fear of melting or drowning or something. The last couple days, it would have been worth it just to cool down. I think some donations were made though and that is what’s important. How many of you have been challenged? How many accepted the challenge and have challenged others? The German American Festival was very well attended, thanks to the beautiful weekend weather that we had this year. It was fairly uneventful in terms of required police intervention and, with the exception of those people that feel the need to get staggering, sloppy, fall down drunk, the festival goers were very well behaved when you consider the sheer number of people that were in attendance. We had some issues with people once they got home and at local businesses. We did make a few arrests for underage consumption at the festival this year. I think that 5 arrests were made by plain clothes officers who mingled in with the crowd. We always put it out there ahead of time that we will be looking for this at the festival, but apparently kids feel that if they get a wrist band they are good to go. Believe me, I am not naive to the fact that the number that we catch is small compared to the numbers that are illegally imbibing. I also know that kids will be kids and will push the limits at times. Our goal is to prevent bad things from happening and I know that I don’t have to elaborate on that. Our goal is not to be the fun busters, in spite of what some may like to think. The number of DUI arrests associated with the fest was way down this year. There were a couple, but that was about it. So let me say thank you for being responsible and taking advantage of the busses, cabs, and designated drivers. The charter service also had cabs standing by at their drop off points so that people could get home safely from wherever they happened to catch their transportation to the fest. Let me close by again reminding you that school is back in session and we need to be mindful of our youth going to and coming home from school. Your diligence and patience will help us make it a safe school year for our young residents. Have a great week!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:14:32 +0000

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