Tuesday Tip of the Week: Man made features in or near our - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Tip of the Week: Man made features in or near our favorite deer woods should not be overlooked, as they can provide perfect opportunities for us to gain information on deer patterns. In some cases they can even provide the perfect funnel for us to use to our advantage when selecting stand locations. Some man made features I use often are fences. Deer will many times travel near fences, making this a perfect spot to hang a trail cam and gather lots of useful information. Like the time a target buck is travelling through, or if the area holds a lot of does (making it a prime rut hot spot.) Farm fences, interstate and highway fences, utility fences are some that work well for this. Dont be afraid to think outside of the box, but remember always stay within the laws. Below I have attached several trail cam pics form 2 locations. 1 is a creek tunnel running under an interstate. On the North side of the interstate is a large, open farming community. And on the southern side is a small, thick piece of woods that the deer often use for bedding. Over the years the deer have learned that travelling through the tunnel is much safer (until I hung my stand nearby) than crossing over the interstate with all the traffic. In 4 weeks time I was able to get over 1,600 images at this particular tunnel. The last few pictures are taken from another piece of woods, again bordering an interstate. This time set on a fence row, for 1 week with no attractant out I was able to get over 40 pictures of deer travelling this fence line. Tunnels, fences, logging roads are just a few man made features that can assist you in your hunting. Also try making your cam set ups with no attractant. It will help you get a more natural pattern of your deer. If you use attractant, you are patterning those deer to an attractant, that will not be there once hunting season comes around, and therefor your pattern will likely change. Thank you for being a part of team PABH, shoot straight. -Teddy
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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