Tuesday Treasures by Janie 1D Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Treasures by Janie 1D Tuesday, November 5, 2013 REVISITING REST AGAIN GOD has given me such a love for the Old Testament. I travel with the Israelites and experience their journeys with the FATHER. Those brothers make so many mistakes, and yet each time the LORD gives them a way and manner to return to HIM. Each time the LORD promises them peace and REST in HIM if only they would do the right things. The Old Testament foreshadows the New Testament. In the Old Testament, GOD comes to and goes away from his people. He lives among them and gives them all they need as they follow His guidance. The requirement for this dwelling is to follow all directives and REST in HIM. They so often fail. In the New Testament the FATHER GOD along with the SON and HOLY SPIRT take residence within his people. HE is forever with us once HE is accepted into our human heart. We must ask HIM into our hearts. The Lord is such a gentleman. HE will occupy and always stay, but will only give guidance when asked. HE wants us to know him in a real way. HE wants us to abide in his word which is his love story to us. HE wants us to grow in true understanding and love. HE wants us to be love to the people around us and in the world. HE wants to be our all. HE wants to give us peace, security, and REST only found within the heart of the FATHER. HE wants to provide for us, but waits for us to ask, adore, worship and be ready. The first step is the acceptance step-accepting that HE is who HE is. HE is the creator, the law giver, the sovereign king of this space in which we live. HE is consistency-the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. HE is the all knowing and almighty FATHER. HE is the beginning, the present and the future. Getting to knowing Him is our job on this earthly home. We need to ask him to come in to our lives and be with us, guide us and guard us, and allow us to learn more of his GRACE and GOODNESS. The next step is taking time to learn about him. Spending time in his Word and in conversation with him is the only way to learn about who HE is. Bible study time can be alone or with others. God has used the talents of multiple people to share His ideas and story. Look for a group where you can learn of HIM. Spend time alone with him everyday. Listen, read, write, and share who he is and what he means in your life. Give him your cares because HE cares for you. His love is eternal and abounds greatly for each of us. Then, you will begin to live in security-HIS security. Then you will begin to understand that life within the arms of the father brings you to REST. And that REST is a gift from the FATHER to ease the stress and pain of this place called earth. Matthew 6:33 First seek GOD, then all will be added…….even REST... Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am GOD.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:14:01 +0000

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