Tuesday Treasures by Janie NUMBER 19 Tuesday, July 23, - TopicsExpress


Tuesday Treasures by Janie NUMBER 19 Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Some time ago, I began attending a Ladies’ Bible study with some women in my church. We were studying a book called The Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge. A great book, may I say. WOW. I was so surprised by the idea of a “secret place” where I could personally and privately meet with my HEAVENLY FATHER and draw strength and love from HIM. I spent time contemplating what this really meant. A secret place is where Janie the person could relax, rest, gain, develop, hear, and respond to GOD the CREATOR of heaven and earth. A secret place is where I could exhale and get rid of the pain of the day and the aches in my heart. It is where I could breathe in the FATHER and all HE lovingly gives and provides. Entering the secret place, I come as a broken and hurt being. I come full of self doubt and rejection. I come with tears and fears full of past regrets and anguish. While in the secret place, I rest in HIS LOVE and he draws out the pain replacing it with joy. THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH. NEHEMIAH 8:10 I enter weak and gain HIS strength. THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH AND MY SHIELD PSALM 28:7 I enter hurt and gain HIS healing touch. LORD MY GOD, I CALLED TO YOU FOR HELP AND YOU HEALED ME PSALM 30:2 I enter broken and gain HIS wholeness. HE HEALS THE BROKENHEARTED AND BINDS UP THEIR WOUNDS PSALM 147:3 HE remakes and forms me into HIS image. BE TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND ROMANS 12:2 I receive HIS vision for others and leave with HIS love in my heart. MAKE ME TO KNOW YOUR WAYS, O LORD, TEACH ME YOUR PATHS PSALM 25:4 Oh, that REST that comes from HIM. Oh, that refreshing. Oh, that rebuilding. The secret place is where true life and perspective is born. It is where we hear the FATHER and develop into a vessel that can be used by HIM to love others. Oh, that the secret place is a place I venture to daily to be renewed. It is our hope that TUESDAY TREASURES can help provide you much encouragement to enter that secret place in your life. It is our purpose and goal to share HIS LOVE and develop in each of us a deep desire for that secret place. DAILY, THAT PLACE IS WAITING FOR US. We must make the time to seek everyday that secret place and spend with the FATHER who loves us most and holds our hearts dearly. I find it so hard to carve out time for that place, Do you? May we strive to remember where we find our strength and our REST.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:12:34 +0000

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