Tuesday am early.....Our relationship with Jesus Christ is like - TopicsExpress


Tuesday am early.....Our relationship with Jesus Christ is like any other relationship...It has to be maintained....No relationship ever stays the same....Youre either growing closer to The Lord or youre drifting away...Youre never standing still...You dont just become a Christian and thats it.....Ive seen many people come through The Jurusulum Encounter Class who found God and finally understood that life is not based on how much we do to make God love us but how much He loves us just like we are....when we do anything or not....But where are they today?? At one point they were on fire for Jesus but I cant find em anywhere today....We all know the struggles of the heart...We face temptations...We have ups and downs....The Good News is God offers us Restoring Grace...when I blow it....when I walk away...when I stumble and fumble...God says You can come back any time.....Lamentations 5:21 says Restore us O Lord...and bring us back to You again...Give us back the joy we once had. You may have been a believer for months or years or decades but maybe your belief has gotten a little stale...maybe theres some driftage...How do you get your joy back? When we begin to think we can handle everything on our own get ready for the fall...I think Im so strong because everything is rolling along in my favor and Im saying life is good and Ive finally got this figured out...just get ready because the fan just got turned on high and the crap is coming....Given the right situation every person on the planet can fall....1 Cor 10:12 Let him who stands take heed lest he fall....dont let your ego edge God out...Theres a movement today called the embarrassed Christian...Are you following Jesus at a distance? Im a red hot radical and proud of it....Do you have a bible on your desk at work? Jesus said in Mark 8:38 If anyone is ashamed of Me and My words I will be ashamed of him before the holy angels and My Father in heaven....Hes saying if you dont own me down here on earth Im not going to own you in heaven....thats powerful stuff...Hes saying theres no secret agents in His army....Theres no such thing as a closet Christian...If youre in the closet... and youre a believer... its time to come out....If youre a genuine believer and youve turned your life over to Christ and accepted His grace there is no condemnation...that means you dont lose your salvation when you screw up and lose your way...What a blessing that is for me...If I could lose my salvation every time I sinned Id lose it 632 times a day...Every day....Im human...I disobey Gods commands and I ignore His will and I dont follow His instructions very good....I hurt myself and I hurt other people....I do the very thing I dont want to do but do it anyway....But I havent lost my salvation and neither have you...God doesnt kick us out of His family when we wander off the path....Because His love is unconditional....God doesnt say I love you if...He doesnt say I love you because...He says I love you...period....God will never stop loving us because of His grace...Our salvation is not based on our performance....Jesus took care of all of that on the cross....Take a deep breath....enjoy the moment....Live in peace....Pray....Dont worry...and have a blessed day...LYFBF.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:40:43 +0000

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