Tuesday was transfer day. Had to say goodbye to some special - TopicsExpress


Tuesday was transfer day. Had to say goodbye to some special missionaries being transferred to other areas of the mission and some whose time it was to return to their homes. I miss each one that has left here. While they are here we get to know them and care for them and love them. sigh After everyone parted Bruce and I took off for Atlanta, Texas. When the church re-imburses us for going ahead a paying all the various deposits on new apartments, or needed items for deposits, they send us a check. If you cash a check at a bank or anyplace else that is not YOUR bank, they charge to do that. So, we drive about an hour up to Altanta to cash the checks from the church. That is our closest Wells Fargo bank - there are none in Louisiana; and the closest one in Arkansas is 1-1/2 hours away. While in Atlanta we desided to walk thru WalMart, Bruce is looking for some music CDs. In our wanderings I found two packages of R-DVDs that had been opened and were on the shelf, so like always when I find something out of place, I picked them up and took them to a clerk. Before she even asked what I wanted, she said, Youre a Mormon!! What can you say? Well, come to find out when Bruce and I spoke in a Ward up there, she was in the congregation and talked to us afterwards about her son she was concerned about. He is now preparing to submit his papers to go on a mission after the first of the year. She was in tears, I gave her a hug. She thanked me for the words I had spoken to her at that time and asked me again about the Ensign article. So I gave it to her, Feb 1997, When your/our Children Go Astray. She wrote it down and is planning to go read it. It was a good trip to Atlanta. We returned back to our area in plenty of time to go to Best Buy and find a computer for Bruce - it is our wedding anniversary, and I wanted to get our computers updated NOW, not when we got home, I just could NOT wait that long! So, he found the computer he wanted and I bought it for him. Monday I had found a computer for me online and had ordered it, at that time Bruce said he wasnt interested. When the credit card company called on Wednesday to check out the charge put on the card, I told them I had made it, HOWEVER, someplace between the confirmation e-mail I got on the computer and that phone call they added over $200 more to the computer!!! The credit card guy couldnt cancel the order - it wasnt fraudulant. So I e-mailed AND called the company, they assured me it was cancelled and I would receive that notification in one or two days. And it wouldnt be shipped out. Then today, I get an e-mail from the company with a shipping date of Tuesday next week! ggrr Wednesday we went out that evening to visit a man in our ward. He has a great sense of humor!! He called Bruce earlier in the week to tell him that the Sister Missionaries had stopped by. Apparently, they had gone out in search of him. When they arrived at his house, he was outside, and they asked him if he knew so-and-so (his name). He told them, I threw him out. Got tired of his grouchy attitude. They responded, shocked, with, Really? He laughed at them and acknowledged that he was the one they were looking for. LOL He got the biggest kick out of telling us about it. We ended up spending 3 hours that evening at his home!!! He and Bruce get to talking and nothing slows them down!! LOL Today we pick up Bruces computer at Best Buy. It isnt a laptop, it is one of those desktop computers that has everything built into the monitor, so there is just a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Sweet. With a tb drive, I dont think he will fill in to of his life times! Friday is Relief Society - Fantastic Friday instead of Super Saturday. That starts at 4:30pm and goes to 9pm, with a light dinner at 6:30pm (I think). Doesnt matter. Anyway they put out some Christmas decorations that can be made, so I signed up for three projects(!!!!!!) All out of wood - a nativity of two blocks of wood of different heights with a piece of wood about the width and thickness of a 1-1/2 tongue depressor attached to the front of the two blocks - that is Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. I also signed up for a bunch of blocks that spell out one thing on the front and something else one the back, dont remember what. LOL and the last one was. . . (Im thinking, Im thinking. . .) OH, it was a rectangular block that says Oh holy night and three wise men riding camels. Or something like that. Which reminds me. Do you know why Washington DC is so up in arms and not wanting a nativity scene set up in their city? No one could find 3 wise men, so it was better to cancel the nativity than admit to the lack of wisdom! OK, anyway. Wednesdday morning we had ALL the missionaries here for lunch. I asked them before DDM on Wednesday morning about how I was now having the Sisters over and then the Elders - they didnt like it. Because, the Elders are their district leaders and they needed to do practice lessons and when they came over with just the Sisters or just the Elders, they didnt get to do that practice lesson. SO everyone is coming again, with the understanding that the extra tables and chairs we had had been given out to missionaries and we had no more extras, they would have to sit on the floor. They came, they fixed what I had for food - breakfast of hash browns, biscuits and sausage gravy, and eggs - and most had to sit on the floor. And before, when food was cooking the DLs took a set of missionaries into the other room and for them to practice giving a lesson; and after eating they did it again with the other set of missionaries. So it worked out. These kids build up such a bond with each other, it is like, no matter how crowded they want to be together! Today, Thursday, we have a couple of more people to visit. One man, couldnt care for his 92 year old wife any longer, so he had to let her go live in an alzheimer home. He goes there three times a day to feed her. She no longer recognizes him, but she wont let anyone else feed her. He is well know for being able to fix lawn mowers and always has several riding mowers beside his shop he is working on for people from all over. Also, today, Im trying to get information off one of my laptops onto an external drive so I can access it with my other laptop. I brought one computer with me, now it is acting up so bad!! It will be online for 2 minutes and off for a half hour! So I had my fantastic daughter-in-law send my other laptop down. Im using it today, because my newer one is on strike again. gggrrr When I get the matter straightened out on the one I just cancelled, I will go immediately and get another one!! Im starting to look at my pantry a little closer - we have 4 months and we will be gone. Have to see what we can use up now. There are things like the little 2 pound bag of sugar I brought with me that arent even half gone. The missionaries, a couple of weeks ago, opened it to make cookies. Well, gotta run - leave, taking the car! LOL
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:28:22 +0000

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