Tuesdays Tip of the Day! Are you Really Working your business or - TopicsExpress


Tuesdays Tip of the Day! Are you Really Working your business or Do you think your working your business? The biggest trap any distributor can fall into is the Busy Work Trap. The Busy Work Trap is when you think your working your business because you busy but your really not! To often people get caught up in getting on conference calls, attending trainings, posting on Facebook, or researching the products and company, and because they are doing these things they feel they are working. What happens is that they are excited! They are invested! They love the company and the products, BUT....... The problem is that none of those things are going to be the things that actually help their business grow!!! Those things are very important and will raise belief and give you the tools but not actually growth! People get so caught up in those things and tend to use excuses like Im still learning everything or I need to know how everything works first. or Maybe if I see one more party or watch one more video I will be ready! Before they actually get out there and do the things that will grow their businesses like BLITZING WRAPPING AND REPEATING. Before ya know it a year goes by and they know everything there is to know about everything there is! In-fact, they could probably have a PHD in It Works economics but they are not growing or making any money! WHY? Because they never took all those amazing things they learned and applied it to their businesses!! Then the inevitable happens....They quit! They say that was a scam...I put my heart and soul into it and made nothing! Or No one helped me or I worked so hard and nothing happened! Do you see where I am going with this? When I first started with It Works Global I didnt know anything! I didnt know how things worked or what most of the products even did! Yet I seemed to build my business in spite of all that! I was excited and I was telling everyone I could about why I was so stinkin excited! I handed out blitz cards every day! I got the wrap on people every day! I BLITZED I WRAPPED AND I REPEATED! My business grew like wildfire! I kept it simple! Here is a tip so that you are not one of the Busy Work Trap casualties! You still need to be getting on calls, going to trainings, posting on Facebook, and getting to know your company and products.... but if you make sure that you apply what you learn right away, that is where the growth begins! See you can learn tons about how to grow your business from calls and trainings but if you do not ever apply what you have learned to your business it will not grow! I have a rule that I always have a notebook with me when I get on calls or attend trainings. Whatever I learn new I write down in that notebook and I make sure that I apply something new that I learned from that call or training the very next day! This way I dont just learn it but I do it! If you make sure that you are putting into play the things your learning right away, not only will the things your learning be useful but your business will grow by the act of doing it! Action is the key to success. If you are not Doing then your not growing! Plain and simple. No One reading this is going to see any kind of success unless they get over what ever it is that is holding them back and JUST DO IT! In the wise words of the Amazing Pam Sowder Get over Yourself! You are going to be the only one that holds you back!! So there you have it! Dont be a casualty of the Busy Work Trap! Just BLITZ< WRAP >REPEAT and I promise your business will grow like crazy! Have a great Tuesday!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:58:21 +0000

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