Tunde Orekoya could not believe his eyes when he was offered a - TopicsExpress


Tunde Orekoya could not believe his eyes when he was offered a seat at the regular meeting of the Oyomesi in council in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state on that fateful day! It was like beating the John Cenas, the Hulk Horgans, the Undertakers, the Batistas, and the Ultimate Warriors of this world in a typical WWE championship! It was more than a vision accomplished! His father, Bamidele Adekule Orekoya, was a poor farmer, and his mother Gladis A Orekoya a petty trader. His two elder brothers had dropped out of college due to financial incapacitation. He grew up to accept his fate as poor boy. As a result, he never bothered to go to school, and took to the path of his father. The worst part of it is that they were regarded as outcasts by their people. Because of this, they were denied of formal social interactions among their people. It became so bad that his mother had to sell off all the goods in her small shop just to put food in their table. Meanwhile, the Palace of King Adeniran Akigbogun, the Kabiesi of the land was open day and night. People who had problems went there, and got their issues tackled. But the case of Tuned Orekoya and his family was a different one. How could he go there? An outcast who has never freely mingled with the lowest people in the community let alone going to the king! That could amount to immediate death penalty, not only to himself but also to the entire family. Those were his thoughts! Philip Orekoya, his eldest brother took ill, and there was no money to pay his hospital bills. He died as a result! His immediate elder brother followed suit! His father was already getting old, and was no longer moving out. That was like the end of the world! The reality of life dawned on him when his mother collapsed on hearing the news of her sons death. Tunde was alone, very confused and disorganized like a fish doped out of the deep! In his seemingly helpless condition, Tunde threw caution to the wind and ran like an antelope that has just escaped from a hunter heading to the palace of Kabiesi! On that fateful day, the king was having a very crucial meeting with his Oyomesi in council. Even guards were never allowed a distance to the palace for that period. But Tunde ran into the palace bagging into the midst of the king and his elders in council interrupting their meeting! What an effrontery!! The story did not end there. Angry guards ran after him, but before they could get him, he had already entered and completely prostrated before the king weeping profusely. Large beads of perspiration and tears dropped down his cheeks as he quickly narrated his ordeal. He had expected the worst that day. Get up my son, sit down, and weep no more. We are sorry for your predicament. If you had come here before now, maybe your brothers would not have died. As for your family, I will personally take care of you, the king ended with a voice that conveyed how empathic he felt for Tunde and his family. That was the beginning of a better life for them. Nobody saw them as outcasts anymore! Never you build obstacles in your imagination. Do not accept defeat even when you may have exhausted every available options. Whatever is happening to your life today may just be that long awaited change in your life and family. See it as a stepping stone to greater glory. Finally, do not condemn yourself when nobody has done that. All power belongs to God. Its well with you and your family. Shalom!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:10:40 +0000

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